Found: ya fantasy series, demons/fae, school, magic realm

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Found: ya fantasy series, demons/fae, school, magic realm

Août 23, 2021, 10:43 pm

Fantasy YA series aimed at 6th-ish graders,
main character is a "chosen one", I think, and his roommate at boarding school is a sorcerer.
love interest is a fae, their conflict is that she will live forever and doesn’t want to watch him die, she trains him in a middle book
he ends up immortal
I think it is based on Irish mythology,
each book is maybe 300-400 pages long.
I read this years ago, sorry.

SPECIFIC MOMENT: In later books the sorcerer's bed has a specific password with constellations that brings him somewhere else, which the main character tries to use. In response to this, the roommate tells a story about his mom, who has learning delays, when their neighbour took advantage of her to sell a broken kitchen item like a pot for a lot of money. They didn't have money for food that week, and the roommate had a very rare baseball card that could've been sold for a fair amount of money. He doesn't sell it, and he tells the MC that he should have, and the MC shouldn't have tried to sneak in his bed.

SPECIFIC MOMENT: In a later book, when the demons/fae? take over the school, they challenge the humans to a 3-part challenge in a celebration. There is a fight, a musical performance, and i believe some test of endurance. The humans lose all of them. The MC isn't allowed to take part because the humans don't want him getting hurt, and he gets very angry, because he is the only human who could stand a chance. They have to physically hold him back and I think he might pass out?

Sorry it's so vague! I've been trying to remember it from so long ago for months now, and I would be so grateful if any of you could help! Thanks!

Août 24, 2021, 12:11 am

The Tapestry series by Henry H. Neff. The Hound of Rowan

Août 25, 2021, 3:57 pm

>2 MissSquish: Oh my god, thank you so much! That's it!