February Goals and Progress

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February Goals and Progress

Jan 30, 2021, 10:08 am

Tell us about your February plans here!

Jan 30, 2021, 10:12 am

Two roundabout books, one from the "Favourite Book of 2019" group and another from the "Favourite Book of 2020", arrived in the past week. So these will be my top priorities for February. and after that, I'll be trying to get more books off my own shelves.

Fév 3, 2021, 10:10 am

Overjoyed that 45 is no longer US President and taking an African-American History course on Zoom, I’m now reading Draams From My Father by Barack Obama. My goal is to finish that book this month. I have to keep my goals simple these days!!

Fév 3, 2021, 1:14 pm

I must read a relatively new addition to the TBR list How to Pronounce Knife which won the Giller Prize in 2020 because I chose it for my pandemic online book club to read. I also want to read A Map of Glass which is the oldest book on Mount TBR having been registered on Dec 10, 2010. I think I'll leave the goal at those two because I have a ton of library books in the house some of which I won't be able to renew.

Fév 6, 2021, 7:27 pm

>3 SqueakyChu: As a Canadian, I'm not sure it's my place to comment on US politics, but I have to say that I too am looking forward to brighter days ahead. :) Anyhow, Black History Month seems like a perfect time to take that history course. I just finished The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas, one of the Favourites of 2020 BC Roundabout, and it is an excellent novel about the challenges Black people face with the police.

>4 gypsysmom: I'd be interested in hearing what you think of How to Pronounce Knife. I've heard very good things about it.

I'm halfway through one of my new roundabout books right now. It's The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay and I'm enjoying it very much. Otherwise, I've been reading mostly books from the Tournament of Books shortlist borrowed from the library.

Fév 7, 2021, 4:30 pm

>5 mathgirl40: I just finished How to Pronounce Knife this morning. I haven't yet decided what my rating will be although some of the stories were very good. I have to admit that I have kind of an aversion to literary short stories although I love science fiction shorts. I'm not sure I would have given the Giller Prize to this collection. I really liked Ridgerunner and The Glass Hotel so I think one of those would have gotten my vote.

I read The Power of One many years ago and I believe it was the first book by Courtenay that I read. He's a great writer.

Fév 26, 2021, 10:11 pm

>6 gypsysmom: I do enjoy collections of literary short stories when they're done well, so I may still get around to reading this sometime. I love science fiction short stories too!

I've not read Ridgerunner or The Glass Hotel yet, but I loved those authors' earlier books.

Fév 26, 2021, 10:15 pm

How is everyone's February progress? I finished Power of One and thought it was very good. Bryce Courtenay is a great storyteller.

I also finished one from my own shelves that I registered and will release soon. It's Transcendental Kingdom by Yaa Ghasi, about a Ghanaian American woman who must deal with her mother's depression in the aftermath of her brother's death.