January Goals and Progress

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January Goals and Progress

Jan 4, 2021, 7:41 pm

What plans do you have for this first month of the year?

I am awaiting two roundabout books that are in transit toward me and they will be top priority this month. I'm also trying to go through my shelves and find books that are overdue for reading and releasing.

Modifié : Jan 7, 2021, 10:38 am

Happy New Year, everyone. I wish a better year for all of us.

I kind of just pop in and out of here, but my goal for January is to finish reading Brave New World which I've never before completed. I think I tried it once before, but bailed. However, for the life of me, nothing I've read so far seems famillar! :D

I plan on attending our BCinDC Zoom meeting which is fun because others not in the DC/Maryland/Virginia area (USA) can join us and have been doing so. I'm glad we can meet on Zoom as I always look forward to the monthly meetups and chatting with fellow Bookcrossers. I lcan't wait for the day that we can meet once again in person.

Jan 5, 2021, 2:36 pm

For the 1001 Books January read I have committed to reading Martin Chuzzlewit which I've had for over 2 years knowing it was the last Dickens on the list that I had not read. I would also like to read 3 other TBR books, and I have already finished one of those so I am feeling hopeful.

Jan 18, 2021, 4:27 pm

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Jan 24, 2021, 6:35 pm

>2 SqueakyChu: I'm glad to hear that you're meeting with other BookCrossers via Zoom, and good luck with Brave New World!

>3 gypsysmom: I'm impressed that you have only one Dickens book left to read. I like Dickens myself but have read only about half of his works so far.

Jan 25, 2021, 3:19 pm

>5 mathgirl40:
There are a few Dickens' works not on the list that I haven't read and some that I have read were so long ago that I would probably like to read them again. So I still have some more to sink my teeth into.

Modifié : Jan 25, 2021, 7:44 pm

>2 SqueakyChu: I completed my goal! I pushed my way through Brave New World and finished it today. It got better near the end so I didn't think of bailing again. However, it was quite a depressing book. Dystopia seems real these days,

Our Zoom meeting was fun. We had out of town visitors including WhiteBird from California, Azuki from Florida and Bookgrrl from Ontario. I was especially happy to be able to visit online with BookGirrl as I had met her in person three years ago on my trip to Canada when I attended a BookCrossing meetup at the Harbord House in Toronto along with jessibud2, my husband, and another friend of ours.

Jan 26, 2021, 11:11 am

I'm still working on Martin Chuzzlewit, reading 3 or 4 chapters every day. I am really enjoying it and I'm pretty sure I'll finish by the end of the month. I won't get other TBR books finished I don't think because I had to read some library books in order for other people to have a chance to read them.

Jan 30, 2021, 10:06 am

>6 gypsysmom: Ah, I see you were talking about the Dickens books on the 1001 list and not all of his bibliography. That's still pretty good!

>7 SqueakyChu: Glad to hear you had a good meeting. I'd met some of the Toronto BookCrossers a few years ago and would love to one day attend a meeting at Harbord House. My daughter used to live near it but she moved back home shortly after the pandemic began.

Jan 30, 2021, 10:08 am

I am very close to finishing a roundabout book and another off my shelves that I'll be releasing.

Jan 31, 2021, 12:49 pm

I have finished Martin Chuzzlewit and I'm working on an ABC book that I started quite a while ago but had to put aside firstly to read Martin Chuzzlewit and then to read a library book that was supposed to be discussed by our book club on the 26th (the Skype meeting for the discussion had technical difficulties and a number of people hadn't been able to get a copy so we postponed the meeting until Feb 2) and then to read another library book that is our book club's choice for February and I decided I had better get it back to the library so other members had a chance to get it before February's meeting. Not sure I'm going to get the ABC book finished by tonight but I'll give it a try. I'm certainly not going to read a total of 3 TBR books in January. I'll have to think about my plans for February which is a pretty short month.

Fév 3, 2021, 10:07 am

>9 mathgirl40:. For everyone here, check the BC forum because both the BCinDC and the Toronto meetups on Zoom going forward will be open to all BCers!

Fév 6, 2021, 7:31 pm

>11 gypsysmom: Like you, I too get sidetracked with book-club and library books when I really should be working through all the books on my shelves. :)

>12 SqueakyChu: Thanks for letting us know! I will keep an eye on the forum announcements.