Welcome to our 2021 group!

DiscussionsBookCrossing 2021 Reduce MTBR and Other Challenges

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Welcome to our 2021 group!

Déc 30, 2020, 3:37 pm

Welcome to both returning and new members of our challenge group!

The purpose and common activities of the group can be found in the group's description. As stated there, you are encouraged to track any and all of your BookCrossing-related challenges here by starting a new thread with your userid in the title.

If you are new to the group, please browse through earlier threads if you'd like some ideas on how to structure your challenge. This is the link to the 2020 group:

Please introduce yourself here and tell us about your goals for the year!

Déc 30, 2020, 3:44 pm

Hello to everyone! I'm Paulina, and I'm the current moderator of this annual challenge group, which was originally founded by BoekenTrol71. I've been a BC member for almost 10 years.

I used to have a big TBR list of ABC (already BookCrosssed) books, but as a result of this yearly challenge, I've managed over the years, to finally whittle it down to zero, but it will probably not stay at zero for long!

This year, I'm participating in the Favourites of 2021 roundabout and I'm also planning to collect books for the Canada Days release challenge in July. Otherwise, my main goal is to read and register some of the books that have been languishing on my shelves and release them so they can be enjoyed by other readers.

I encourage you to start your own thread in this forum. I hope to get mine set up in the next few days.

Déc 31, 2020, 10:49 am

Thank you for organising this!

I am Morag / soffitta1.
I have a fairly huge TBR pile - already BookCrossed and others, I find this is a really good way of keeping track of the books and also to read some of the ones I have had for a while.

I am taking part in the 2021 Challenge group, but my goal is to read more books by women.

Déc 31, 2020, 12:55 pm

Hello all!
Thank you for creating this group again, mathgirl40! It's nice to be in a group with people that have the same goal, lower MTBR.
I am Grada/BoekenTrol71. I've been a BookCrosser for 13 years and some months and over those years my MTBR became a Mt. Everest. Since I stopped participating actively in the fora for books to read, birthdays and holidays to celebrate, I found that I can manage my amount of books better than before. And I'm on a restrictive buying regime. It works thus far, so I intend to keep this going in 2021.
In 2020 I lowered my TBR by 122 books, of which 71 were ABC's. So I did quite well.

I won't set a specific goal for the amount of books to leave the house, but I hope to make it a significant amount.

I'm going to try and find a way to list my books better than last year. The lists of books per year were a great reminder, but they didn't work very well as a (not so) gentle nudge to actually read them.
I'll put up some tickers again (I love the creeping forward, the designing) and other than that.... Will work that out in January.

I'm trying to read as many of the oldest books I can, read more diversely and maybe a bit more non fiction as well. There's more than enough to keep me busy in 2021 :-)

Jan 2, 2021, 12:35 pm

Having just posted in the 2020 group I thought I should come here and join up.

I am Wendy/gypsysmom and I've been a BookCrosser since March 1 2005. I love reading and will read most genres although most romances don't do anything for me. I currently have 166 books registered as TBR and I'm afraid I accumulated a lot more this year that I have not yet registered as I am trying to decide if I will read them or just release them. I have a hard time releasing books I haven't read because I always think I might be getting rid of a real gem.

I run the Canada Days release challenge that mathgirl40 mentioned and I always welcome new participants. The basic rule is to release books by a Canadian author or that is set in Canada. I always choose a special theme which gets a certain genre or author more attention. Did I mention there are prizes? I'll be posting the special theme for 2021 in the Release Challenges forum on BookCrossing very soon.

Jan 2, 2021, 3:02 pm

Hi all. I am Shelley. I have been a bookcrosser since 2004 and an LTer since 2013. I love following your threads though I have to admit I am a slacker when it comes to my own participation here. I can be found in the 75ers group here on LT.

During covid (well, always, but more so this past year) my goal was to read more books off my own shelves. Sadly, rather few were Canadian books but I really want to change that this year (famous last words). In any case, I have written it down that my goal this year is to reduce my Mt. TBR(s), starting with my shelf of bookcrossing books. It's written so it must be truth, right?!

Jan 2, 2021, 9:44 pm

>3 soffitta1: >4 BoekenTrol71: >5 gypsysmom: >6 jessibud2: I'm so glad to see all of you here and I'm looking forward to following your 2021 progress!

I just finished adding the JEs for my last 2020 books, so I hope to close out my old thread and start a new one here soon.