isbn 3400004243 always goes to wrong series

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isbn 3400004243 always goes to wrong series

Mai 29, 2020, 7:15 am

"Deutsche Erzählungen des 20. Jahrhunderts" - try as I might.. I enter the book manually, wrong series, I just search for the ISBN, again. But this book is about graph algorithms. It certainly has nothing to do with tales by German authors.

Mai 29, 2020, 7:24 am

Series edits are no hold for next day or two as LT staff introduce some new features:

If you can add links to the work, and also to where you think the work should be, then it can probably be easily corrected. It sounds like this is a combing problem rather than a series problem.

Modifié : Mai 29, 2020, 9:38 am

This was caught in a black hole work. I'm working on getting your title out. It is now at
In future, deleting and reentering does not help with this sort of problem. It just makes things messier to clean up.

Wenn ein Buch im falschen Werk landet, hilft es gar nicht das Ganze noch mal zu probieren. Wenn man alleine nicht zu recht kommt, Combiners helfen gerne.


Do we have a list of black hole works somewhere? This one is

Modifié : Mai 29, 2020, 10:46 am

I'm about to separate the last edition. It still has nearly 13,000 members.

No editions now, but lots of copies.