Romance Book about a Rape Victim with Son and a Widow

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Romance Book about a Rape Victim with Son and a Widow

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Oct 19, 2016, 10:55 pm

Not sure if I'm posting this right or in the right place...

Looking for a romance book I read years ago about a woman who: was raped by three boys in high school and ended up pregnant, moved away and had a son, moved back home and ended up having to face her rapists, fell in love with a construction worker who helped her work through her relationship and intimacy fears. His story: his previous wife and baby had died tragically in their sleep (he blamed himself) and he moved around from job to job, ultimately landing in this town and working with the woman.


High School: "Heroine" and her best friend accept a ride from three guys from school. But after heroine gets in the car, the guys take of with her in it, leaving her best friend behind. They end up raping her in a field or something and leaving her there. She makes it to the road and is picked up and dropped at the hospital. She accuses her attackers; but they are let go because... (1) the evidence that was collected at the hospital goes missing (or it's destroyed) because the lead rapist has a powerful father... and (2) her best friend lies to the police about how everything went down because she is secretly jealous and likes one of the guys. The heroine's own boyfriend - love of her life - ends up killing himself because he sees her walk into an abortion clinic and thinks she's secretly involved with the lead rapist and doesn't love him anymore. She finds him, blames herself because she couldn't talk to him about what had happened and ultimately leaves town. She has the baby - a boy - and raises him on her own. Fast-forward many years and she is afraid of relationships and intimacy... and - I don't remember why - she comes home.

Adulthood: "Heroine" works in a construction office and is attracted to one of the workers? / designers?. I don't remember much of his story other than he had a wife and child that both died in their sleep due to carbon monoxide poisoning from an old heater that hadn't been tested... he blames himself, of course, and has been moving from town to town, from job to job. He doesn't know her story; and thinks she is a tease or something... until he realizes she's actually afraid and has obviously been victimized before. He helps her overcome her intimacy fears... they fall in love... I only remember a few of these details.

Meanwhile, the heroine's ex-best friend has grown up and still lives in town, only now she's married to her crush - yes, one of the rapists - who now has some kind of cancer. The ex-best friend wants the boy to be checked as a potential donor and criticizes the heroine, who of course said hell no (or something to that effect), for being selfish or hateful or something... surprise though, the cancer-ridden rapist agrees with the heroine on this. The lead rapist has also grown up and still lives in town, only now he's paralyzed due a car accident and can't have kids of his own. He decides he wants the heroine's son and ends up telling the boy a twisted version of the story... one where she is a whore that willingly slept with him and his friends. The truth comes out, of course; and all ends well... but I don't remember exactly how. (I think the third rapist ended up gay and died; and at some point in the past, he had tried to apologize.)

Any help would be much appreciated!!!


Oct 20, 2016, 6:58 am

Certain aspects of your synopsis remind me of Sandra Brown's Breath Of Scandal. But other items don't match.

On a rainy Southern night, Jade Sperry endured a young woman's worst nightmare at the hands of three local hell-raisers. Robbed of her youthful ideals and at the center of scandal and tragedy, Jade ran as far and as fast as she could. But she never forgot the sleepy "company town" where every man, woman, and child was dependent on one wealthy family. And she never forgot their spoiled son, who, with his two friends, changed her life forever. Someday, somehow, she'd return, exact a just revenge -- and free herself from fear, and the powerful family that could destroy her.

Oct 24, 2016, 6:05 pm

That's it!!! How did you do that??? Thanks so much!!!

Oct 24, 2016, 7:06 pm

Sandra Brown's older books were rereads for me.

I'm glad I could help! :)