Quaker Classics

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Quaker Classics

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Oct 8, 2016, 4:48 pm

Our rather small, Monthly Meeting-based library recently received a donation of several books by D. Elton Trueblood. I don't believe we currently have any books by him in our collection. Our committee is wondering how much emphasis to give to this category of books. How do other library committees manage this?


Fév 14, 2017, 12:42 pm

I can tell you Elton Trueblood was VERY popular for a while, among Christians in general, not just Quakers. I still get orders for him pretty regularly (Vintage Quaker Books). In fact, recently I heard from someone who felt Trueblood was the antidote to today's (post Trump election?) worries and problems. He wanted copies to make available to others and ordered 34 books from me. He might be willing to tell you more about why if you want to give me your contact info I can pass it along.

Kristna Evans