Horror in General....What are we Reading?


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Horror in General....What are we Reading?

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Nov 13, 2014, 8:17 pm

Hey everyone,

With everything getting started and the categories set, I floated the idea of setting up a thread where we can talk about any horror we're reading at any given time (from now right on through next December!) whether or not it fits sensibly into a given or future category. This way, if you're just a fan of horror and you already have your categories set, there'll be a place to still come see what folks are discovering, or a place to put your own new discoveries outside of the categories. I'm hoping we'll all learn about a lot of new authors by using this thread...

I know we've got the Reading Suggestions thread, but since that's focused on recommending toward categories, I thought this might make sense for those folks who'll be reading a lot more horror than ends up in the categories, or reading horror outside of the challenge.

In the spirit of getting us started, I'll say that my most recent horror discovery is Christopher Buehlman. I discovered him through a book called The Necromancer's House, which I highly recommend to horror novels, but he has three others now as well which are now on my wishlist. The Necromancer's House is heavy on dark supernatural spells (as you might guess from the title) and has some fairly graphic violence, but the characters at the center of the story are wonderful and believable.

Are others reading horror now? Or treasuring new horror writers that are under the radar?

Nov 14, 2014, 8:03 am

Just finished the 4th in the series Rivers of London aka Peter Grant series, Broken Homes by Ben Aaronovitch. The books are quite funny but there is certainly a horror element running through them.

They are also humorous for the most part and they are police procedurals what with our heroes being the hidden, double secret task force for supernatural crimes in London.

The books might be a good choice for those who want to stick their toes into horror.

Nov 14, 2014, 9:02 am

I'm almost at the end of Night Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko which I started reading for the Hallowe'en ReadaThing. Time has not been on my side this month so I've been slow in getting through it (plus I had a few audio books with due dates for the library so I've spent more time listening to those than just reading to myself). I am enjoying this one, but probably will save the next three parts for sometime in the New Year so I can catch up on some of my other reading!

Modifié : Nov 14, 2014, 9:11 am

The last horror book I read was NOS4A2 by Joe Hill, which I highly enjoyed. Reminded me of his dad. Speaking of which, Revival just arrived and got put on the TBR. I'm also planning to read Thomas Tryon's Harvest Home for Thanksgiving. I discovered Tryon this year, although his books were published in the '70s. Read The Other earlier this year, which is squirmy-good modern gothic.

Nov 14, 2014, 10:16 am

#4 by sturlington> I read the Tryon's when they first came out. I might have to revisit at least Harvest Home.

Nov 15, 2014, 10:23 am

I hadn't heard about Harvest Home, but I did enjoy the creepiness of The Other, so I'll have to look it up :) Night Watch is already on my tbr mountain, and I really need to get around to Joe Hill too.... Oh, this is going to be a dangerous thread. I don't know if the Peter Grant books are for me, but from the sounds of it, I think they might be one of the christmas presents I've been puzzling over for a good friend...

Déc 26, 2014, 1:40 am

From a Whisper to a Scream / Samuel M. Key (aka Charles de Lint)
3.5 stars

Jim is a photographer and he suspects a woman he took a picture of knows something about some recent murders, so he sets out to find her. When they figure out what's actually going on, he (and the others) are in for more than they bargained for.

It took a little while to get into it. The book is told from many different points of view, so the first number of chapters are all introducing different characters, so it made it harder for me to get into it, as I was trying to figure out who everyone was. Once I had a better idea of that and after the mystery woman is found, in about the second half, it really picked up for me. Overall, it was good.

Déc 30, 2014, 5:29 pm

I recently finished Horrorstor by Grady Hendrix, and quite enjoyed it! Its essentially a haunted house story that takes place in an IKEA. The writing itself is not amazing, but the presentation and creativity makes up for that. Personally, I found it to be more on the lighthearted side so it might be good for a November HorrorKIT read!

Déc 30, 2014, 5:51 pm

>8 skrouhan:: The cover alone sold me, looks a lot of fun.

Modifié : Déc 31, 2014, 12:56 pm

>9 Moomin_Mama: Seriously! It's set up like an IKEA catalogue - so brilliant!

Déc 30, 2014, 10:36 pm

>8 skrouhan: & >9 Moomin_Mama: & >10 skrouhan: LOL! I have heard of that one. The cover is awesome. :) I'll have to look for it, thanks!