Lifetime Reading Plan

Discussions1001 Books to read before you die

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Lifetime Reading Plan

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Juil 20, 2014, 3:39 pm

I hope it's okay if I post this!

I'm thinking about forming a new group on LT, to be loosely based on reading the books recommended in Clifton Fadiman's Lifetime Reading Plan. I am starting out on a chronological reading adventure, and I thought it would be fun have an avenue to discuss what I'm reading with others. I know many of the books on the Lifetime Reading Plan are also listed in the 1,001 books to read before you die. It was also be a place for people to discuss any of the books on Fadiman's List.

I plan on starting with the Epic of Gilgamesh, then moving on to the Old Testament (reading as literature, not as religion), The Iliad (a re-read, so I'll be trying out a new-to-me translation), the Odyssey, Homeric Hymns, and Theogeny.

Is this something anyone else would be interested in participating in? Kicking off around the middle to end of August.

Juil 20, 2014, 8:11 pm

No reason not to start a group. If no one participates, no one participates, but your own reading won't be hindered. I looked at Clifton Fadiman's lifetime reading plan (here), and since it manages to be have both Borges and The Plum in the Golden Vase I can't criticize it.

If you actually do start the group, I probably won't participate strictly, but I would be interested in the discussions and might want to read one or two books. The Iliad and The Old Testament are two books I keep trying to finish and failing. I should read Epic of Gilgamesh again too, that's the kind of book one wants to not only have read, but remember, and I forget much of it.

Juil 21, 2014, 4:45 am

As >2 Settings: said, no reason not to try it out and see what comes of it. I wouldn't wait, though, I mean you've mentioned now so by that time people will have forgotten. I'd start it up now and try out more generic threads to start, what people have read off it, what they're planning to read in the not so far off future, what they don't think they'll ever read, you know, just try to get folks talking.