80s/90s fantasy novel w/ 2 teenage boy heroes, 1 rides dragons, other is mage? defeat evil mage holding dragon captive?

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80s/90s fantasy novel w/ 2 teenage boy heroes, 1 rides dragons, other is mage? defeat evil mage holding dragon captive?

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Juin 28, 2014, 2:13 am

Looking for some books I loved in jr. high/high school, though I don't know if they were YA specific. This would have been in the late 80s, or early 90s. I believe there were two novels, both quite hefty.

Basic plot elements that I recall:
- one of the boys is a dragon rider of some sort. There might be an element of a permanent bond. (No, not Eragon, nor Pern.)
- the other boy starts out as a sidekick, but I think ultimately discovers he has magical powers, or becomes a mage of some kind.
- they are traveling south; landscape is desertlike
- at one point they seek refuge in an abandoned underground city, and I think that they are with a group of nomads, or run into a group of nomads who are also hiding there
- there is an evil mage or leader guy who is holding his dragon somewhat hostage - she didn't realize he would be so evil, so she stays away from him, but must come to him when he calls?
- at some point the two boys are on their way back north and there is a battle in a stone city; fire figures heavily in my memory of it

I really loved this book, and I'm hoping someone will recognize it! I may have conflated some elements -- I have read a LOT of fantasy novels in my time, lol -- but I'm pretty sure these are correct.

Modifié : Juin 28, 2014, 8:32 am

It's the Enduring Flame trilogy starting with The Phoenix Unchained by Mercedes Lackey and James Mallory.

The year is off though.

Juin 28, 2014, 4:30 pm

Wow - that is so weird! I must be mixing two series together then... because I specifically remember being in junior high or early high school, but I definitely read the Enduring Flame series. And you'd think that I'd remember something from just a few years ago. lol. The first thing to go is the mind!!!!

Juin 28, 2014, 6:13 pm

I hear ya on that!