Gift for an 11-year old horse lover?


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Gift for an 11-year old horse lover?

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Sep 11, 2013, 12:08 pm

Um, something other than a pony. ;)

My niece is horse-mad. She's been riding since she was able to keep her balance in the saddle; she has the books, the toys, the outfits...

I'd like to get her something horse-themed, or--even better--actually useful or usable in riding, but I'm short on ideas and would be grateful for any suggestions, just to start me thinking.

One problem is that it can't be anything too bulky, since I'm flying and suitcase space is premium.

Modifié : Sep 11, 2013, 3:02 pm

Oh, there are a lot of options for you. Some of them might not yet be age-appropriate for your niece or the particulars of her equestrian background (mine is in English hunt seat), but here are some ideas to get you started:

Does she have her own brush kit? A full new kit would be bulky for the plane ride, but a couple individual items would be easy to transport or even one fancy item, like a decorative hoofpick. You could also have her take to you to her local tack shop and treat her to picking out her own brushes.

You say she's good on outfits -- Does that mean she's well-equipped with formal showing attire? There's always casual clothing for daily wear -- a new ballcap with a horse logo, sturdy gloves for cold-temperature riding, a horsey tee-shirt. Stores like LL Bean have good sturdy plain wear; online shops like State Line Tack have more obviously horsey things.

If she enjoys jewelry, there are a huge range of items you could choose from. Leather bracelets with brass name plates were the fad when I was riding at age 10, and horse-shoe nails curled into rings. As a teen, I wore a belt with an equestrian flare almost daily, at the barn or not. It took me a while to grow into the more adult jewelry, but I very much treasure those items now.

If she already owns some of the serious equipment for riding, like a saddle and bridle or halter and lead line, you could give her small brass name plates to personalize them.

I once received a gift of a trail ride on the beach from a non-horsey relative. She found the facility, made all the arrangements, picked me up, and sent me off with a 'Go have fun.' It was fantastic.

Sep 11, 2013, 2:55 pm

Oh wow i just put a entry about there weren't any horsey people on here and then this came up at the same time! How random is that! Hey Lola and Myraid! You can buy real nice horse treats like sweets for your horse and theyre in lots of flavors that are quite easy and cheap to buy and not too big too for travel. Jeepers,my horse, likes apple and mint best, but also liquorise. I wouldnt get the razberry though for traveling because they smell strong even in the bag.
HoofHearted x

Sep 11, 2013, 4:33 pm

Excellent, thanks so much, I'll be picking up on ideas from both!

Love the idea of brush kit items, gloves (one can't have too many gloves), jewellery, and horse treats.

I don't think she has any "serious" equipment of her own yet and I might go for a saddle once I'm there, but I do want to have a gift for immediate giving.

Thanks again!

Sep 13, 2013, 1:55 am

No problem, Lola! Enjoy your trip too.