YA Fiction WWII setting in Britian

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YA Fiction WWII setting in Britian

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Juil 22, 2013, 3:06 pm

I'm trying to find a book that I read years ago. The author (female) was only about 14 or so when she wrote this book.
It is set in WWII England. Near a Bomber base.
The main characters are:
Katherine (Kate)
Johnny (rear-gunner)
Ritchie (pilot)

Katherine's father is the Rector at the local church and she and her mother help at the base canteen; handing out coffee, etc to flight crews.

Katherine meets Johnny, a rear gunner on a Lancaster when he comes to the church to play the organ. She's 16, he's probably 18 or 19. Ritchie is Johnny's best friend and American. The story tells a lot about the flying of the bombers, the raids, etc.

Ritchie is killed when his plane crashes into the sea.

It's a beautiful story about young love, and yet full of intrigue and suspense with all the flying bits added. I'd love to read it again, but for the life of me, can't remember the title! I read it about 35 years ago or so as best I can remember.

Juil 24, 2013, 1:12 pm

Thank you so very much!!!

Juil 25, 2013, 1:00 am

You're welcome! :-)