YA Sci Fi

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YA Sci Fi

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Juin 28, 2013, 1:32 pm

Plot: Most of book is set on an alien planet. A group of humans from a technologically advanced society visits another planet on which the humans are less evolved. There is a fairy tale element to it that I can't remember. There is also a lot of discussion between the more evolved characters about the ethics of teaching or not teaching members of this less evolved culture how to do things which they are hundreds or thousands of years from discovering for themselves. They eventually decide to teach one or two of the less evolved humans how to do some things which to them will seem magical, and which will help to save them from some calamity. This is done for their own good, and there's a complex moral dilemma about, and justification for it. There is also some really overt racism in the book, which is probably why it doesn't make the recommended reading lists for children anymore, despite the fact that it was very popular in its time.

I think this book was written in the 70s, but I'm not sure.

The book was re-released in the 90s or 2000s with an intro by a more recent and more famous sci-fi/fantasy author (possibly Lois Lowry or Madeleine L'Engle, or someone just as well known).

That's really all I can remember! Any help would be appreciated!

Modifié : Juin 28, 2013, 2:31 pm

Enchantress From The Stars by Sylvia Engdahl

Juin 28, 2013, 10:44 pm

That's it! Thank you so much!

Modifié : Juin 28, 2013, 10:59 pm

That one's now on the frequently sought stories list. It gets asked about a lot!