The Mutineer

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The Mutineer

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Juin 20, 2007, 11:00 am

I am in a heinous sulk because they keep pushing back the release date of The Mutineer. I want it NOW. I've read everything he's ever written - multiple times, because I am creepy like that - and am currently working through everything ever written ABOUT him, because I am especially creepy.

This has no point, other than to share my whining with those that might be sympathetic to my suffering.

Anyone heard anything on The Mutineer, or anything else remotely related to Hunter S. Thompson? Yes, I know I have a problem. Let it go.

Juin 25, 2007, 5:04 am

Hey, no worries. Public whining is a good thing... ;-)

To be honest, I hadn’t realized that its release date had been pushed back. I have been looking at it on Amazon for a while, but never paid attention to the release date.

I have noticed that Anita Thompson’s book has been forthcoming for many months though. Anyone know what’s taking so long?

Juin 25, 2007, 9:25 am

I'm starting to think they're waiting for an anniversary, like his birthday, or perhaps the release of the movie 'The Rum Diary.'

Or maybe they're just enjoying screwing endlessly with my head. It's possible.

Mar 11, 2008, 3:38 am

Will this thing EVER be released? Now Amazon has it listed as February 1, 2009!

Sep 11, 2008, 9:15 am

Hey guys Ron Mexico here from Totally Gonzo - the website dedicated to all things Hunter S. Thompson. The Mutineer has been delayed for a variety of reasons. The first is that many of the letters/faxes that are to be included in the volume are pretty recent (2005) and Hunters Estate wanted a bit of distance time-wise for the sake of privacy and also due to Hunters death. Secondly the Estate wanted to deal with his archives first and get that sorted out, that has now been taken care of. I am pretty sure we will see the Mutineer shortly. If you want to read more then drop by my site. Just click on my profile to get the address.


Ron Mexico