What's your livejournal like?


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What's your livejournal like?

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Modifié : Mai 9, 2007, 1:02 pm

I'd really love to add some fellow readers to my friendslist, but I find the big long list of our livejournal user names to be less than helpful -- there's a lot of people there and no way to know who might make a good potential friend. Therefore I propose a meme:

(1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
My LJ is a combination of travelogue and book reviews. I live in Japan and travel quite a bit, so I post lots of travel stories and photos. I also post short book reviews every week.

(2)How often do you write about books?
Once a week or so.

(3)What kind of books do you read?
That's a tough question for me to answer - my tastes are pretty eclectic. For fiction, I read mostly literary fiction with the occasional guilty pleasure chick lit. My most recent interests are China and Africa. I really like historical fiction too. Non-fiction is mostly travel oriented in some way, but I also read a bit of history.

Feel free to add more questions if you can think of any that fit!

Oops! I completely forgot to say that my livejournal name is cestovatela, same as here.


Modifié : Mai 9, 2007, 11:40 am

For reference, my LJ is here.

I find it simply easier to check out interest lists to see what stuff I have in common with everyone. :-)

1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?

Umm, it's pretty random. I just posted an entry about my adventures in babysitting my niece and nephew, but I post about books and stuff too. Probably the primary content would be about books, tv shows, and movies.

2) How often do you write about books?

A couple of times a month. Depends. I've been keeping track of my 50 books a year challenge on my LJ, includig mini-reviews of the books I've read so far.

3) What kind of books do you read?

Fantasy, historical mystery, general mystery, a few YA selections now and then, a lot of classics, some light romance here and there for the sheer pleasure of fluff (like Georgette Heyer and Dee Henderson).

Modifié : Mai 9, 2007, 11:50 am

(1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
It's pretty random - I post things I find interesting or amusing, I gripe about stuff in my life, or squee when good things happen. Whatever. Oh, and pictures of my cat.

(2)How often do you write about books?
Fairly regularly. I am keeping track of what I'm reading in the LT group 50 book challenge, and in a couple of analagous groups on LJ (although NOT 50bookchallenge anymore), so when I finish a book or three, I post reviews and updates to all of them, including my journal.

(3)What kind of books do you read?
Mainly science fiction and fantasy, with a sprinkling of other things.

(4) How often do you post?
It depends. Sometimes (not often) I post four times in one day, sometimes I don't post for a week. Sometimes I post every day for three weeks. I probably average 3-4 posts a week. I would like to post every day, but I have trouble getting in the habit of it.

Mai 9, 2007, 12:54 pm

Great thread idea!

(1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
I started mine at the beginning of the year, specifically as a book journal. Entries include reviews of books I've read, updates on reading challenges I participate in, and the occasional book meme, quiz, or personal thoughts about something related to books & reading.

(2)How often do you write about books?
At a minimum, after finishing each book so that's 1 a week just for book reviews.

(3)What kind of books do you read?
Check out my LT library! Books by women authors, or about other cultures than my own, history and historical fiction, prizewinners (Booker, etc.).

(4) How often do you post?
Usually 1-2 times per week.

Here's a link to my journal, Musings

Mai 9, 2007, 2:56 pm

(1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
My journal is really random. Sometimes, it's interesting articles I find on the web, other times, a rant. Sometimes it's a life update or an inside joke. It just depends on my mood.

(2)How often do you write about books?
It's pretty rare that I write or post book reviews there.

(3)What kind of books do you read?
I'll cover a pretty wide range of things, though my collection tends towards sci-fi/fantasy, politics, and alternative history/speculation.

(4) How often do you post?
Fairly frequently. But on a sometimes infrequent basis. Not a whole lot has been going on lately, so not too many life update entries since I've been pretty much just sitting on my ass while on disability as of late.

Wow...THAT'll make people want to read the LJ, eh?

Mai 9, 2007, 4:14 pm

(1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
Primarily book reviews - I review everything I read. There is a monthly post where I say how many books I read during the month and how much I'm putting in for sponsorship (some of us Birmingham BookCrossers are supporting a charity by sponsoring our reading this year!) and there are also posts about my new hobby of running, detailing my runs, time and length. Book reviews are open to all, running info is friends only.

(2)How often do you write about books?
Every few days

(3)What kind of books do you read?
A mix of literary fiction with some kids' books thrown in, and non-fiction - travel, psychology, memoirs...

(4) How often do you post?
Every few days. It's not high-traffic!

Mai 9, 2007, 8:25 pm

1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
trying to survive grad school and books.

(2)How often do you write about books?
Almost everyday.

(3)What kind of books do you read?
Almost anything. I do have a special fondness for science fiction though.

(4) How often do you post?
Everyday sometimes multiple times in one day.
my LJ screename is purplemoonstar

Mai 9, 2007, 9:22 pm

1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
Random stuff - sometimes life, sometimes humor, sometimes stupid memes, sometimes pictures of cats and kittens - though I have a second LJ just for my foster kitten pics and stories.

(2)How often do you write about books?
Never. I have thought about doing more book posts, but have no idea how to start, or if I would stick with it. My current LJ friends are not avid readers.

(3)What kind of books do you read?
SFF/F, romance

(4) How often do you post?
2-3 times per week on average

personal LJ is under kirafyre
cute kitten pics/stories are at bakerspets

Modifié : Mai 9, 2007, 11:40 pm

As far as my main journal, BTRIPP, is concerned:

(1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
Like most responses above: "random" ... I bitch about stuff that's happening, talk about stuff I've found on eBay, launch into political rants that would make Ann Coulter blush, post poems (with audio files of my reading them), do stupid LJ memes, and review books as I read 'em. Which brings me to:

(2) How often do you write about books?
Over the past several years, I've written a "review" of every book I've read, which means that last year, I wrote about books at least 73 times (and I'm up to 23 so far this year).

(3) What kind of books do you read?
Almost exclusively non-fiction (I think the last "fiction" book I read was in April of '04) ... although I have a lot of fiction in my library from 20-30 years ago. I mainly read in three areas: Metaphysics, Science, and Politics, with the occasional biography or poetry collection finding its way in as well. If you want to see what I've been reading, a direct link to my L.T. collection (sorted from most recently read on back) is http://btripp-books.com

(4) How often do you post?
That varies, but, generally speaking, I put up at least one post somewhere around 5-7 days a week.

I have another journal, BTRIPP-BOOKS, which I started just for all my book reviews, which I cross-post there from my main LJ.

Mai 10, 2007, 10:02 am

(1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
Mostly an update of my life - silly things, lots of photos, what I've eaten/bought/etc., rants about things/people I find annoying, etc.

(2)How often do you write about books?
I have a separate LJ for my book reviews.

(3)What kind of books do you read?
Mostly fiction. I like Wodehouse, Saki, EF Benson, etc.

(4) How often do you post?
Every few days. Less often if I haven't done anything worth writing about.

Mai 10, 2007, 5:48 pm

(1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
My livejournal is basically just my life and whatever I feel like talking about - books, friends, adventures, that sort of thing.

(2) How often do you write about books?
Not very often, unfortunately. I tried to get into it a while back but none of my LJ friends are as into reading as I am.

(3)What kind of books do you read?
Almost every kind of book. I don't like much the suspense/thriller genre, or mysteries. I will read a mystery if it comes highly recommended, but it isn't likely for me to choose it myself. I particularly like fantasy and historical fiction, especially medieval. I also really like to read history, and I do go off on historical rants every so often. I'm a literature student, so I've read quite a lot of the 'classics' and have a great deal of fondness for them as well.

(4) How often do you post?
Not that often, probably once or twice a week depending on what is happening in my life. If I'm bored, I'll post plenty more.

My livejournal is here, but it is friends only. My userinfo should give anyone passing by a good indication of whether or not they'd like to friend me.

12delphica Premier message
Mai 14, 2007, 11:00 pm

Same name as here, delphica. The more personal entries are friends-only, but anyone is welcome to be added.

(1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
Mostly commentary on my everyday life, which I try to make slightly humorous. I usually take the micro view - I'll focus on something small that happens or that I'm thinking about, and see if it takes me to any loftier thoughts (no promises though!)

(2)How often do you write about books?
Three or four times I month, I keep track of the books I've been reading and do short reviews. In addition to the reviews, books come up a lot in more casual conversation.

(3)What kind of books do you read?
A lot fiction, some literary some not as such, mixed in with children's/YA lit, and some genre mystery and pop non-fiction. If I'm feeling motived, I might read (and review) books about education, as allegedly I should be reading them for work.

Mai 23, 2007, 9:54 am

(1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
Similar to many others that have already answered. I write about things that have happened to me, and rant about problems. I will sometimes post pictures of my latest artwork.

(2)How often do you write about books?
I'll usually note when I've finished reading a book and the next one on the list. I rarely write reviews. I find most of my LJ flist aren't interested in discussing books.

(3)What kind of books do you read?
The bulk is sci fi/fantasy with the odd romance thrown in from time to time.

I would love to find other people interested in discussing books on LJ. Most of my LJ posts are friends only, but I add people freely to my friends list.

14thatkellygirl Premier message
Juin 23, 2007, 9:41 pm

(1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
Mostly random day-to-day stuff about what's going on in my life, with my animals, my partner, my step-kid, my college career, things that piss me off, make me happy, just stuff.

(2)How often do you write about books?
Not often, actually. I read a LOT but am not big on talking about what I'm reading at any given time.

(3)What kind of books do you read?
Lately I've been on a huge mystery kick, as I've been recuperating, and it's more or less mind-candy. I read a LOT of scripts, as I'm an actor (no, you've never seen me in anything), and what I use LibraryThing for is cataloging my scripts. Someday if I get really motivated, I'll put my other bazillionty books in here, too. Oh, I also like Fantasy, some Science Fiction, Westerns and Classics.

Modifié : Juil 13, 2007, 11:59 pm

(1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
Well, I'm relatively new to LJ, so mostly I've posted a couple of sorry poems I've written and whatever pops into my head (yikes).

(2)How often do you write about books?
So far, I haven't, but I will. Especially books that make me dwell on them for long periods of time.

(3)What kind of books do you read?
Fiction - in all forms. Children's, YA, Horror, SciFi, Fantasy, Romance, General, Chik-lit - but I ADORE Mysteries, Thrillers and Adventure.

(4) How often do you post?
Currently, life has been a bit of a turmoil, so not often. Hope to get more involved soon.

Modifié : Juil 13, 2007, 9:31 am

I'm found at http://isil_helyanwe.livejournal.com and my journal's public, so you can always have a look and see if you want to add me! I'm always looking for new people to add!

1) What is the primary content of your journal?

Mainly whatever's going on in my life. I'm 15 so it's a lot of stuff about school and friends. Movie/play reviews and occassional book reviews as well. I talk about fandoms a lot.

2) How often do you write about books?

Erratically, could be twice a week, could be once every 2 months.

3) What kind of books do you read?

I'm a fantasy person mainly, but I'm willing to branch of into other genres. Humour is good, sci-fi is good and I'm really into novels set in the 19th century. And Authurian legends. Won't say no to a nice romance, but I am rather picky about them.

4) How often do you post?

Again, it depends. But generally about once a week. More if I'm bored.

Feel free to add me and I'll be adding you back! :)

Juil 25, 2007, 5:55 pm

(1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
My life, rants, problems, teenage drama, and some philosophical ideas thrown into one giant cluster.

(2)How often do you write about books?
whenever I finish one, which is fairly sporadic. Sometimes I got through books very quickly and other times I don't read for a month.

(3)What kind of books do you read?
Anything that makes me think. Right now I am in a non-fiction phase. I find all these old textbooks because my mom is a college professor and I can't wait to devour them!


Modifié : Août 6, 2007, 7:12 pm

1) What is the primary content of your LiveJournal?
Mostly life stuff. Occasionally you'll get coherent posts about something that's caught my eye; more likely you'll get a complaint about students or random geeky squee.

o(2)How often do you write about books?
A couple of times a month. Certainly end of the month when I post my book list; more often if I've got something particular to say.

(3)What kind of books do you read?
Lately (read: since being in grad school) I read a lot of fluff, but have pretty wide ranging tastes. A good bit of SF/fantasy, graphic novels, some YA, historical fiction, trashy vampire novels, stuff with beautiful words.

(4) How often do you post?
Almost every day, frequently several times a day.

(I'm paperkingdoms on LJ, too.)

Déc 31, 2007, 4:31 pm


(1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
There's more friends-locked stuff than open - the public stuff tends to be photos (I crosspost my 100_snapshot entries), icons, memes and news articles and other links.) I also crosspost entries I make to obsessed_reader, another lj com. Entries are friends-locked if they touch on anything personal - they don't tend to be particularly deep, so please comment to be added if anyone wants.

(2)How often do you write about books?
Whenever the mood strikes.

(3)What kind of books do you read?
Mostly fiction (classic and contemporary, most genres) and biog/autobiog. Also natural history, photography, reference on anything I'm interested in, graphic novels, history and, occasionally, true crime.

20book_maven Premier message
Jan 8, 2008, 10:47 am

1) What is the primary content of your LiveJournal?
It's all about my reading and writing, including book reviews and stories I write. Stories and reading entries are different filters and you can request a filter here.

2)How often do you write about books?
Depends on how much time I have. I read regularily but don't review everything I read. All of my reviews will be posted publicly in at least one of the communities I belong to. Sometimes I also write about author signing, book buying trips, etc.

3)What kind of books do you read?
It varies a lot. Fantasy and sci-fi are big, also classics, fixed form prose, and some memoir. Non-fiction depends on my classes for the semester and what catches my eye, but lately I have an interest in world religions. Autism and war dogs are other topics I'm interested in. Generally speaking, I will read anything but horror.

(4) How often do you post?
This varies according to how busy I am and whether I have anything of interest to post. Can be anywhere from a few times a week to once a month (once I didn't post for half a year but that's unusual).

Mar 3, 2008, 6:00 pm

I'm also timepiece on LiveJournal (actually, I'm timepiece almost everywhere, if you see that username anywhere it's probably me).

1) What is the primary content of your LiveJournal?
It's a personal journal, random commentary on life, done mostly for friends who want to keep up but don't have time for email.

2)How often do you write about books?
Seldom. Right now I'm in a big re-reading phase, so I don't have a lot of new stuff to say. Plenty of commentary about the library, though (I'm a librarian).

3)What kind of books do you read?
Mostly genre fiction (sf, fantasy, mystery, a few romances) and the odd non-fiction various topics.

(4) How often do you post?
I'm trying to be better this year - 2-3 times a week, maybe?

Mar 4, 2008, 12:10 am

(1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
My primary journal (urbandelirium) is a hodgepodge of everything that interests me. Bits of art I've done recently, photographs, day trips I've taken, interesting news... generally things that make me smile, but sometimes things that make me frown too. It's friends-only, but don't be shy-- I love making new ones.

(2)How often do you write about books?
I usually add a remark about what I'm reading to the ends of my posts, but for more in depth rambling, I have a separate book journal (writtenkith).

(3)What kind of books do you read?
Non-fiction of any kind, urban/dark fantasy, horror, young adult... trying to be very eclectic.

(4) How often do you post?
My regular journal is updated about two, three times a week. And I'm going to try to update my book journal once a week from now on! I get in ruts where I don't post often there, then post ALOT.

Pleased to meet you all.

Mar 5, 2008, 5:11 pm

(1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
It's mainly about my warped view of the world, random rants, absurd situations that I find myself in, my bitterness towards my grandmother stealing my cat, and books.

(2)How often do you write about books?
At least once a week. If I really hate the book, I really let that book have it.

(3)What kind of books do you read?
I read all genres, but I'm a really hardcore mystery fan.

4) How often do you post?
At least five days a week.

LJ name: tabby_of_doom

Mar 6, 2008, 12:39 pm

(1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
I write on all topics related to reading and writing. For example, I comment on writing-related articles I read in journals like Poets and Writers, Harpers, AWP,etc. At least once a week, I comment on my impressions of books I'm reading. And I often comment on book reviews in the NYT, Harpers, Atlantic, etc. and how they have or have not persuaded me to add a book to my "to-read" list.

(2)How often do you write about books?
At least three times a week.

(3)What kind of books do you read?
Primarily literary fiction and creative non-fiction (memoirs, essays), though I go through periods where I read chick-lit, mysteries, fantasy and sci-fi. If there's an interesting story, I cross genre lines at will.

4) How often do you post? 3-4 times a week

LJ name: karenvanuska

Mar 7, 2008, 4:26 pm

(1) Whatever rolls across my mind at the moment. I answer some of the Questions of the Day because they are interesting to me. I write up motorcycle rides on occasion. The odd sports article. Poetry (usually bad...)

(2) I write about books when the urge hits me. They generate the least amount of comments, so there is little incentive to write more. However, I'd like to get better at writing reviews...so....

(3) All sorts. Usually the kinds with covers fore and aft. Whatever strikes my fancy, really. Hard to define.


Modifié : Mar 24, 2008, 12:36 pm

(1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
It's random things about me mostly. Most of my readers are people who are interested in how I'm doing so the posts range from senseless rants and no content exaggerations of current personal issues to contemplations on various subjects and dream logs...

(2)How often do you write about books?
Being a student I don't have that much time to read and so, there's little about books at the moment. I'm also a bit afraid of posting a review since I never written one but I'll just do it in summer and be over with it.

(3)What kind of books do you read?
By genre I would say horror, fantasy and sci-fi. Although I don't limit myself to just those, I'm mostly interested in anything that let's the imagination go wild and those three are probably the ones with least limits to themselves in that respect...

LJ: vampir5

Mar 26, 2008, 2:50 am

(1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
I barely update it, because I have a writing-related blog over at blogspot, but initially my LJ was going to be about genre film and television. It didn't turn out that way.

(2) How often do you write about books?
Never, that really ought to change, though.

(3) What kind of books do you read?
I've been on a "Japanese womens' crime fiction" kick over the past few months. Kirino, Miyabe, Nonami, etc. I'm trying to work my way through all of my accumulated Japanese fiction books before I move on to other stuff. I tend to read things in groups.

I haven't spent a lot of time on LJ in a while, which is a real shame. I use it to keep up with real-life friends' goings-on, but I never seem to make any meaningful posts myself. That really ought to change. Plus, my username is a bit of an embarassment. I don't even play Final Fantasy games much anymore, but I can't bring myself to create a new journal and set up new contacts.


Août 25, 2009, 2:18 pm

My LJ blog is concerned with writing. It is called Writer's Write.

Modifié : Oct 26, 2011, 6:47 pm


Modifié : Sep 1, 2011, 9:33 am

LJ username is pgmcc

(1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
Relatively random. Topics include books; holidays; P-Con (the genre focused literary convention I organise); books; topics of occasional interest; books; and then there are books. Some reviews, but more fequently reportage of acquisition, as acquisition happens more often than completion of review (or book for that matter)

(2)How often do you write about books?
I would say 50% of my postings are about books or book related topics.

(3)What kind of books do you read?
A wide variety; probably best illustrated by viewing my library here on LibraryThing. The genres would include, historical fiction; science fiction (more the social stuff than Hard SF); horror; general novels: Recent reads include:
Stone's Fall
The Gone-Away World
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
The Elegance of the Hedgehog
The Simpkins Plot

(4)How often do you post?
I haven't been posting too frequently in the past while, but I suspect I will be posting at least once a fortnight from now on.

Juil 19, 2010, 3:48 pm

(1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
A journal/diary - a chronology of my life.

(2)How often do you write about books?
Almost never - I put my book reviews on my public blog, http://melydia.zoiks.org

(3)What kind of books do you read?
All kinds, I suppose, but I have a special fondness for science fiction, fantasy, science, and math.


Août 31, 2011, 12:24 pm

These day my live journal is almost entirely bookish stuff. I would love to have more people read it - I am sure hardly anyone does : )


Sep 1, 2011, 5:58 am

#32 I do! I even comment on it sometimes!!

Oct 27, 2011, 12:15 pm

Yay more journals to check out :)

(1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
Currently, lots of book reviews. As well as some daily life stuff :)

(2)How often do you write about books?
Every week.

(3)What kind of books do you read?
Science fiction, fantasy, literature, manga.

(4) How often do you post?
Once or twice a week.

My account name is "moonplanet", both on LJ and DW (I'm crossposting since LJ was down so often, but I'm still active on LJ because of all the communities and many people on my friendslist who don't have a DW account).

Jan 27, 2012, 3:01 pm

1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
It's a journal of my projects with commentary about the processes

(2)How often do you write about books?
Medieval Manuscripts are usually cited and sometimes linked to.

(3)What kind of books do you read?
Books on Medieval Manuscripts and Cultures, art techniques, calligraphy, heraldry...

(4) How often do you post?
Upon project completion, occasionally mid-project.

My account is Wyntersea (I'm not the boat:-)

Fév 21, 2012, 12:21 pm

(1) What is the primary content of your livejournal?
Mine is fairly random. A lot of it is just what's going on in my life plus baking and needlework posts. I post about my niece and nephew fairly often (and about my sister being ridiculous), occasionally about dealings with doctors (I'm disabled due to a chronic pain), almost never post about religion or politics...

(2)How often do you write about books?
I'm trying to start doing that more, maybe once a week covering the new books I'm reading each week (typically read a minimum of two/week). I'm part of a book community but none of those people actually seem interested in talking about books (I try to put up conversation-starting posts regularly, despite not being the mod, who never posts, but hardly anyone responds). A lot of the readers on my friendslist either don't have much time to read or read things I will never have an interest in.

(3)What kind of books do you read?
Almost a bit of everything. Lots of classics, historical, quite a lot of non-fiction, a fair bit of humor, old mystery series... This is what I've read so far in February:
The Time Traveler's Guide to Medieval England – Ian Mortimer
Kushiel's Justice – Jacqueline Carey
My Lady Ludlow – Elizabeth Gaskell
Ten Days in a Mad-house – Nellie Bly
Seizing the Enigma – David Kahn
Northanger Abbey – Jane Austen
Monk's Hood – Ellis Peters
Cards on the Table – Agatha Christie
Wild Swans – Jung Chang
Still Alice – Lisa Genova

I mostly listen to audiobooks because of chronic pain in my hands, so if you're having a hard time finding audiobooks with really good readers I've got quite a tidy list of them.

(4) How often do you post?
A couple times a week, sometimes more. I have a lot of time on my hands so I read my friends list a few times a day and comment fairly often (well, whenever I have anything to say).

My username there is mabith, same as here. It is friends-only, here is a light, public-post overview: http://mabith.livejournal.com/543910.html