How to delete my library and start over?

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How to delete my library and start over?

Mar 29, 2011, 1:39 pm


I've made a mess of my library and want to start clean. Is there a way I can delete all my books at once? I can delete them one by one, but that will take a long time.


Mar 29, 2011, 1:48 pm

You can use the "power edit" option. At the top of your catalogue, there's an icon that looks sort of like a lightning bolt. Click that and it takes you to "power edit". If you really want to delete all your books, click on "select all" and then "delete books".

But when you say you "made a mess" of your library, what, exactly, do you mean? Maybe there's a way to clean it up without deleting everything, depending on what the problem is.

Mar 29, 2011, 1:49 pm

You've got a lot already done.
Have you used the power edit feature? It's the lightning bolt button at the top of the "Your Books" page. You can choose all and delete, but you can also do some fast re-organizing too.

Mar 29, 2011, 1:53 pm

Yikes! You've got over 1,300 books cataloged. Are you sure you want to do this?

I don't know what you think you may have messed up, but I can't imagine re-adding my entire catalog.

Regardless, Select the Your Books tab; select Power Edit (that yellow lightning bolt thing); select the Delete Books tab; click on "select all nnn books"; think twice about whether you REALLY want to do it because it's your last chance. If you choose to delete all of your books WITH NO CHANCE OF RECOVERY, click on the button that reads "Delete selected books".

Mar 29, 2011, 2:10 pm

I been sporadic with updating/deleting books. I don't know what I have/don't have anymore. I'd like to check my library with what I have, but it's quite tedious looking each book up to make sure it's been entered. Is there a way I can print my library with just author/title of book?

Thanks for all your help! It's very much appreciated!

Mar 29, 2011, 2:12 pm

> 5

Is there a way I can print my library with just author/title of book?

Yes, there is.

You can edit one of the display styles to include only the author and title. (Click on that little cogwheel to the right of the style choices.) Then, when you are in that style view, you can click on "show printable catalog" and print from there.

Mar 29, 2011, 2:24 pm


Thanks again for all the help!

Modifié : Mar 29, 2011, 9:58 pm

Holy Bat Sh*t lilithcat! :)

That's exactly what I need for a project and it never occured to me to do it that way! Thanks for the tip!!

Mar 30, 2011, 3:26 pm

>7 amanda627:

Or use the export feature and then print whatever you want from excel.. :)

Déc 11, 2018, 6:43 am

I have a somewhat similar issue as amanda627. I've moved five times in five years and gave away over half my books. There are now books in my account I no longer own. And of course I've bought books, as well, and didn't want to add them because things were already such a mess. Do I need to wipe my account and start over?

Déc 11, 2018, 7:37 am

>10 DebLivesay: No, don't start over! Use the Your books tab. You can first sort by collections or tags, if that helps, and make your page as long as you need, with settings. You can get 200 entries on a page. Then you can either delete singly by using the red X on the right edge, or use the power edit feature to make bulk changes. That's the yellow lightning bolt button.

Modifié : Déc 11, 2018, 8:16 am

There is also an inventory feature.

Also think about whether you want to delete books or just move them into a 'read but unowned' collection. That reminds you that you really did have the book at one time. I use it for both discarded books and library books with tags (@ Discarded, @Hauptbücherei) to make it clear which are which. This makes it a little less likely that you rebuy a book.

Mai 22, 10:18 am

Modifié : Mai 23, 6:58 pm

>10 DebLivesay: I use the "read but unowned" column also for library books and books I no longer own but have read. Like MarthaJeanne, I suggest you put the supposedly eliminated books there first. Then, if you really want to delete them, you can go through them at your leisure and throw them away. I also have an "Officially Unfinished" category for books I didn't like and didn't finish. It will remind me not to buy and try to read them again. That is another category of potentially throw-away books. Good luck.