Nom réel
Yann Best
A propos de ma bibliothèque
It's not quite as limited as this might suggest. I have a very wide taste in literature, but don't actually /own/ that many books - as I regularly borrow and give away books, the books I hold onto tend to be those that are less popular (among my friends and relatives) and thus harder to borrow.

That being said, I do have a particular fondness for comics, at least those that bring together imagery and word in interesting ways.
A propos de moi
I'm a student of Classical Civilisation, with a particular interest in ancient literature.

My interests are varied and geeky, but I do my best not to let them govern me. As evidenced by my /spending time recording my library for pointless posterity/.

Lieu (géographique)
Swansea, United Kingdom
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wiper a évalué, ajouté
wiper a évalué, ajouté