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Inscrit depuis
Oct 1, 2008
Nom réel
Vietnam Development Information Center
A propos de ma bibliothèque
The VDIC is an open reference library and an information center. Everyone is welcome to use the reference library - no membership card or fee is required. However, library materials are for reading, or photocopying in the center. They may not be borrowed. The VDIC library is not a research library. It provides access to current literature, reports and statistics, future plans, economic and sectoral research and studies on development work in Vietnam. The material, in the formats of printed publications or CD-ROMs, represents the ongoing work of all partners, statistical reports and studies from all government agencies, as well as selected background information and more general studies on the immediate region prepared by other donors or agencies and donated to the library by the partners.
A propos de moi
The Vietnam Development Information Center (VDIC) is a one-stop shop for development learning and information resources. Combining a public library, bookstore, and distance learning center, the VDIC reaches out to visitors from all walks of life: government officials, students, academics, consultants, development practitioners… Everyone is welcome.
Lieu (géographique)
63 Ly Thai To st., Hanoi, Vietnam
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