Nom réel
A propos de ma bibliothèque
My library is mostly fantasy and mystery. A lot of my books are about vampires. That's why my friend seems the think I'm morbid. But as I said before that is completely untrue. Also just so you know I haven't actually read that many books so therefore I haven't read many vampire books. Sorry! Such a disappointment aren't I? Oh well. Also have any you people read the ALEX RIDER SERIES. I know that's not the proper way to use capitals. Sigh. Well anyways I just had to say I love that series. And also I was just wondering, am I the only person who found the ending of HUNTED(from The House of Night) really disappointing? Another thing that disappointed me in that book was all her boyfriends! I think she should just dump them all and move on with her life! It's really frustrating how she's so utterly oblivious to all of it! Ugh! Harsh aren't I.(shrugs shoulders) Thanks for reading this! I really appreciate it! MWUAHAHA!

A propos de moi
Hi I'm Kathy and absolutely obsessed with books. I'll read any book big or small though I prefer thick ones because they usually last longer.(I read Breaking Dawn in two days) Sometimes that's not the case, but what can you do.(I read Catherine, called Birdy in the same amount of time) As you can see I love dogs, I have two labs. I've lived my ENTIRE life amongst dogs. I am not exaggerating, it's the truth. My best friend calls me morbid but, that is not true. I am actually really cheerful and perky now a days, as opposed to my usual shyness. I'm more of the kind of person that acts semi normal and quiet and than I'll cry because I'm laughing so hard. And EVERYONE will stare, I'm not even kidding! If you're still reading I'll add some more stuff about me. I have absolutely no hobbies except reading, which is why I have become so obsessive. Just to be random I'm going to add that I LOVE horses. I am also very antisocial, I'm kind of a loner. Sigh once again, I'm such a loser it's not even funny. Well if anyone has actually read all this I'm sorry for boring you and wasting your time.(hangs head)Thank you anyway though!Hehe!

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