Nom réel
Joe Crollard
A propos de ma bibliothèque
I'm an avid fan of Fantasy -- something I some-what newly became drawn to. I love me some elves, dragons, faeries, and good sword battles. ;)!

Aside from that I'm also a bit of a horror fan. I do like dark, intelligent writings. I enjoy supernatural stories as well as psychological horror.
A propos de moi
My name is Joe, and I'm 24 years old. I live in a rather small town in Washington state. I was born with a rare birthdefect, and am in a wheelchair..but it really isn't all that relevant. :) I'm like anyone else..but perhaps..abit more odd. I quite enjoy odd.

I'm an unpublished writer..that's hoping in the future to become published. I write all the time, both short stories & poetry. I'm in the process of writing my first novel, entitled "Documents of Grief". While I absolutely love the Fantasy genre, and at the moment, it's about all I read, I tend to write darker, more horror genre'd work. I hope to one day write a fantasy novel as well, but first thing's first.

Aside from writing I absolutely LIVE on music. I can't go a day without listening to some form of it (and I like many genre's). Among that I'm a bit of a candle nut. I have far too many. I also quite like herbs, teas, computers, reading (obviously), being artistic, rain storms, clear night, etc!
Lieu (géographique)
Port Angeles, WA
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Librairies: Odyssey Bookshop, Port Book & News

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