
Nom réel
(reviews by) Tikitu de Jager
A propos de ma bibliothèque
I started this persona when I read a book so awful I wanted to write a review slamming it, but I also didn't want it on my LT profile messing with my stats. The plan was to put a couple of lines and a rating for everything I read. That didn't last long... The new plan is to keep it like a reading diary -- the 'reviews' won't be, but I'll try to keep the list up to date with at least basic impressions.

Most of the longer reviews tend to be pretty positive. This isn't because I'm not critical, but because I'm finding and rereading lots of old favourites -- also because since I started running short on time it's only the strongest responses that prise a review out of me. I'm not very good at numerical ratings though, so take them with a sizeable chunk of salt.
A propos de moi
I'm a Kiwi in Amsterdam. You'll find my real library as user tikitu. This account is just a reading diary.
Lieu (géographique)
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