Nom réel
Fr. Tim Nolt
A propos de ma bibliothèque
During seminary I discovered, with their Bible software app. I was blown away by the power and versatiliy of their application, which I use almost daily for homily preparation and Scripture Study. I own Verbum Capstone which means I own more than 2,000 publications. Thankfully the software makes good sense of all this for me! As I read entire works from this digital collection I will add them to my library on LT.

I had hoped that eBooks might be the way to go, and having owned a handful of eReaders, I can say they do not assuage the itch to pick up a book and read it cover to cover. The tactile element is significant and, for me, part of the experience of retention.

About a year and a half ago I succumbed to a slick marketing brochure of The Folio Society and ordered the Gibbon History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire for $19.99. This order was quickly followed by one for their 3 volume Byzantium. As the orders arrived I found myself amazed by the uniqueness, sheer quality, and beauty of Folio productions. I have been addicted since.

The Folio Society has helped guide my choice of non religious reading and picqued my interest in much fiction. Days off are often spend perusing Half Price Books, or (newly discovered by me) Kaboom and Becker's Books in Houston. Thankfully I have an IKEA a few miles from the rectory to help with my expanding collection of books.

Theology, faith and the human experience are of one piece for me. The stories we tell are compelling.
A propos de moi
One of the great joys in my early mid life (at age 40) was to return to school in formation for the Catholic priesthood. While much reading was assigned, and many books purchased very little was on my own terms! Reading and renovating my library has become a happy avocation as I work in central Texas as a Catholic priest.
Lieu (géographique)
Killeen, TX
En cours de lecture

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