
Nom réel
A propos de ma bibliothèque
I've not put even a quarter of my books on this site yet. I read such a variety of books, that to pick one genre as a favorite is too difficult. One thing of note: I find myself reading a lot of YA fiction. I find the plots as complex as "regular" adult fiction, they simply have cleaner stories. Besides that, I can then discuss them with my much younger cousins.
A propos de moi
I love to read, cook, dance, laugh, listen to music... My motto for life is: Dance like no one's watching, Sing like you're giving a concert, Laugh with hilarity, Live like this is your last, and Love with all of your heart. My family is from Eastern Europe. Growing up with that heritage has made me much more aware of the world around, and kept me centered.
Lieu (géographique)
Rexburg, ID
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