
Nom réel
A propos de moi
I am a twenty something children’s librarian who loves reading just about anything and everything I can get my hands on. I’ve been that way since childhood and am amazed I never realized I should be a librarian until I graduated college with an English Degree. Then I thought well if I went to Library School which is right here….I wouldn’t lose my parking spot on campus! And thus a librarian was born….or brought out I should say. I LOVE BOOKS! And for that reason I love working with kids and introducing them to the magic of the written word. I love reading both children’s and young adult literature in addition to my own personal tastes and am never without a book. However with the birth of my son I have left the Library setting and become a stay-at-home Mom and now literally live and breath books in any spare time I can squeeze from the day.

I love Jane Austen and am a dedicated Janeite which I am sure will greatly come through in my blog. Currently I am trying to break into the writing world and dear Jane is my inspiration…we shall see how that goes but if you never try…you never know! (Please forgive me if I ramble about Jane….it’s an uncontrollable urge… and someday Austenism will be labeled a disease or certifiable addiction I am sure.)

Why Stiletto Storytime? Well a colleague of mine joked about my shoes when I first started and it kind of stuck. Needless to say I am the kind of librarian who feels that you don’t have to wear clogs, Birkenstocks with socks or old lady flats to fit the job description. And don’t get me started on the cardigan, bun and glasses stereotype. (Although I do love cardigans). With that said enjoy my stylish ramblings about books, kids, life and anything else that I can think of!

Remember just like stilettos, reading is always in style!

Want your book reviewed on my blog, have a new release coming out or just have some comments/ideas about my blog? Give me a shout! I love to hear from publicists, publishers and/or authors about review opportunities or even just information on new releases. I generally will review almost anything I receive and read but I do make an effort to be completely honest in my reviews at all times. Please e-mail me if you would like a book reviewed, schedule a blog tour/ interview or offer to do a guest post! I’m a newbie in the Book Blogging World but I’d love to make Stiletto Storytime all it can be with help from you!

Contact me at:
Lieu (géographique)
Atlanta, GA
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