
Kyra (1), whose transformation from a meek (1), those students who (1), most of your classmates think of as the fat kid (1), the dumb kid (1), the quiet kid (1), the loser (1), the loner. The kids no one talks to and no one really knows. Now imagine if you heard that this motley crew was about to become your high school's new varsity swim team. The same kids who are picked last for every team in gym (1), who have never been seen near the weight room or the track (1), who are the last people you would imagine wearing your high school letter jackets (1), will be making an appearance at the next pep rally.Whale Talk is the story of Tao Jones (1), better known as TJ and the group of high school misfits who form Cutter Highs first swim team and their struggle to ear the prized letter jacket. T. J. faces angry opposition from the athletic establishment (1), and he and his coach spend much of the season maneuvering the politics of high school athletics. Meanwhile (1), during their daily workouts and long bus rides to swim meets (1), the guys on the team slowly come out from behind the labels their peers have forced them to hide behind (1), yler Miller (1), social nobody geek to a chiseled (1), a gifted self taught artists. Hollis finally meets someone who sees her for who she is. (1), admired "tough guy" sets his world on end. For years he spent his days unnoticed (1), Tyler finds himself with more attention than he wanted after he vandalizes school property and (1), to pay for his crime (1), takes a summer job doing landscaping. The unforeseen side effect is that he returns the next school year with a brand new bod that's turning heads (1), most notably the most sought after girl in school. This really throws his world into a tail spin. Can he survive as the new Tyler? (1), Have you ever wondered why someone commits suicide? Hannah gives us a look at all the little things that causes her to commit suicide. Definitely helps you see how bullying effects young kids. Made me really think. Read part of this to my class and they w (1), Rick doesn't have many chances in life. His father thinks he is a loser and beats his mother. His friends have no goals. Rick doesn't want to work at a dead end job. What can he do? He has always wanted to travel? Will joining the army during Vietnam give (1), Spence Morgan (1), a farm boy from Utah (1), and Dieter Hedrick (1), a farm boy from Bavaria. Stirred by complex feelings of patriotism. Both young men find themselves fighting for their respective countries in World War II. The first part of the story follows Spence from his small-town life to the rigors of basic training (1), digging trenches on the German border. When they meet on the battlefield will it change them forever? (1), Thirteen year old slave named Isabel (1), fierce in her determination to keep her epileptic sister Ruth with her. When her master sells her sister to spite Isabel her only goal becomes to get her back. She does everything to escape. (1), Picture your high school's outcasts. You know (1), a family. As Hollis bounces from Foster family to fost family she wonders if she will ever get her wish. She is labeled a mountain of trouble. The only thing Hollis has is her pictures (1), sadly (1), one goal will they succeed. (1), headstrong (1), Great Story of the present meets the past. (1), Dicey must make sure her family is safe after her mother disappears. Can they make it from Conn. to the Eastern Shore by themselves. (1), Kyra Leigh Carlson is almost 14 years old. Kyra loves books. Kyra is in love with Joshua. But those two loves don't matter because Kyra is one of The Chosen Ones. The Chosen Ones are a isolated (1), polygamous cult. And (1), along with her 21 brothers and sisters (1), her three mothers (1), her father and everybody else in the Compound are under the rule of the Prophet Childs. Should she fight the idea of marrying her uncle or follow the rules of the Chosen Ones? (1), Can you image being a teenager in a small village in the Middle East but working to fight terrorism? Shahzad is and he will affect the lives of several people in a small town in Jersey.He will meet another young hacker equally skilled but much more reckle (1), A young Football player struggles with who he really is. While playing for the undefeated knights (1), he learns more about what he can accomplish both on and off the field. He learns that his friends may not truly be his friends. (1), Sophie Madel is a young Jewish girl who does not understand what is going on around her. Her parents send her to England before the outbreak of WW II when Jews were still being targeted by Nazis. She was placed on the Kindertransport from Germany. She spe (1), What a story I thought I would hate it but WOW!!Max and her "flock" have been genetically engineered and can fly. In Patterson's unusual universe (1), Max and her young cohorts are soon forced to rescue one of their own—a girl named Angel—from a pack of mutant wolf-humans called Erasers. Six kids (1), Geko (1), Hollis only has one "W" wish (1), people on the street. But she stands by her decision to embrace her faith and all that it is (1), Abandoned at birth the Hollis Woods (1), no matter what their beliefs. (1), Randa Abdel-Fattah's debut novel will strike a chord in all teenage readers (1), and still attract the cutest boy in school? Brilliantly funny and poignant (1), " the prejudice of her classmates (1), even if it does make her a little different from everyone else.Can she handle the taunts of "towel head (1), her friends (1), Arjay and Terrance are all struggling in the Juvie Prison system when they get a chance of a lifetime. They are released to a halfway house. They are free (1), her teachers (1), Sixteen-year-old Amal makes the decision to start wearing the hijab full- time and everyone has a reaction. Her parents (1), Curzon a friend of Isabelle struggles to remain free from his master as he decides where he stands on the Revolution. Meanwhile he misses Isabelle and wishes to find her. Can he remain free? (1), go to school and many other things. How can she survive? (1), Mariann is a Jew in 1938 living in Germany. Her father is already hiding. It is becoming more dangerous everyday to be a Jew. Marianne no longer is allowed to visit the par (1), but there are rules. WIll they be able to stay out of trouble and jail for good? (1), Katy Thatcher wanted to be a Dr. In th early 1900's girls were rarely allowed. Katy followed her father on his rounds.She is intrigued by a quiet silent boy called Jacob. Jacob had a special talent with animals but never said a word.Jacob and Katy develop (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Aug 22, 2011