
Inscrit depuis
Apr 2, 2007
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A propos de ma bibliothèque
From recent reading...

"Someday you'll need to take down a worn-out volume and flip to that passage on the lower right-hand face, ten pages from the end, that fills you with such sweet and vicious pain."
The Overstory, Richard Powers

"...the end of love is forever two spent cigarettes in a saucer and a white door closing."
Birchwood, John Banville

"...his family affection is really of a very high order. When his maternal grandmother died he didn’t go as far as to give up bridge altogether, but he declared on nothing but black suits for the next three months. That, I think, was really beautiful."
Reginald in Russia, Saki

Lieu (géographique)
Dublin, Ireland
Auteurs favoris