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Inscrit depuis
Feb 16, 2006
Nom réel
Ryan Heavilin
A propos de ma bibliothèque
Ecclectic...does that make me pretentious? Or does my vocabulary do that for me?

I don't actually own all of these books. In fact, most of the books that I own aren't even on this list. They're packed away in storage. Don't worry, they're in a plastic tub, safe from the elements. This is a list of books that I've read, some that I own and some that I dont. Check the tags to see which is which.
A propos de moi
I'm a 26 year old reader. I like to think that I'll read almost anything...but that's probably not true. One of my new goals in life is to be able to be able to search for my name and find my book.
Lieu (géographique)
Cambridge, OH
En cours de lecture

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