A propos de ma bibliothèque
Inherited large collection (20K)from gruesome grandfather, a rabbinic scholar specialising in medieval magic, demonology etc. Sold most of it over the years to finance permanent 'student' lifestyle, wandering libraries of world (mostly middle europe)and haunting old bookstores.

List on LibraryThing mere tip of iceberg, but hopefully representative. Want to list lot more when I can upgrade my membership. Don't necessarily have the editions quoted (my favorite Dante translation, say, would be the Reynolds/Sayers, but that would use up three spaces instead of one)and I've tended to opt for copies that have the highest number of matches. Is this permitted or duplicitous?

A propos de moi
Hideous bookworm. Reclusive, shy, a regular geek.
Irish father, Spanish mother. Catholic/Sephardi roots. Large, boisterous extended family in huge seaside house belonging to maternal grandparents.

Largely academic interests; humanities, literature, art, philosophy. The surrealist zeitgeist in general.
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