
Nom réel
Readers Make Leaders, Inc.
A propos de moi
Mission… Readers Make Leaders, Inc. encourages urban teens to read by putting interesting reading material in their hands, creating enjoyable literary experiences, and empowering and recognizing youth leaders.

Vision… We envision a world where young people in urban environments or of urban influence embrace recreational reading as a way of life. Because of the urban reading movement sparked by RML, urban youth will desire to engage in reading as eagerly as they seek electronic entertainment and participation in the iconic celebrity culture. High school and college students will find that a good book is as essential a part of their tote bag contents as an MP3 player or portable DVD player. Disconnected youth will find that becoming lifelong learners through habitual reading can help them find a productive place in society and expand their worldview. We support the adults who promote and encourage recreational reading in the lives of urban youth. We lend support and opportunities for collaboration with institutions that present literary experiences for urban youth. We connect youth who have adopted habitual reading into their lifestyle with opportunities to develop leadership skills.

Readers Make Leaders is a catalyst for perpetuating the “urban prep” culture. We value hip-hop culture for its empowering and entrepreneurial qualities, its appreciation of the urban and underground experiences, and its celebration of triumph over adversity. At the same time we equally value achievement in mainstream society, typified by academic achievement, leadership, community service, capitalism, and the pursuit of personal happiness. The emerging “urban prep” culture perpetuated by Readers Make Leaders, is one that stimulates in urban youth the desire to attain the best of both worlds. From this place we espouse the values of lifelong learning, personal effectiveness, and service driven leadership through young adult reading.
Lieu (géographique)
Atlanta, GA; Miami, FL
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