
Star Wars (88), Art (7), Dragons (6), Drawing (4), Painting (3), Harry Potter (2), Origami (2), Dungeons and Dragons (1), Cats (1), Weather (1), Watercolor (1), Pokemon (1), Papercrafts (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Apr 13, 2008
Nom réel
R. Swyear
A propos de ma bibliothèque
My library contains a vast variety of content. While I enjoy my fictional books, a main portion of my library is non-fiction. I love to learn about anything and am constantly having my nose stuck in some book that takes me off on my own adventure. I currently have well over 1000 books and my library continues to grow each day. What books I no longer want or have multiple copies of I post up on
A propos de moi
In this day and age, it is growing hard to find teens and young adults that love to read. I just happen to be one of the few that loves books just as much as sitting down and playing a video game. My library continues to grow each day with something new to stick my nose in for hours. I love reading any kind of non-fiction as I love to learn. When I'm not reading non-fictions, I love fantasy and sci-fi.

Aside from my love of books, I am an artist at heart. I'm working on getting my Masters in Fine Arts and hopefully a Masters in botany as soon as I finish up with my art masters. You can see my art gallery on my home page link.
Lieu (géographique)
United Sates
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