Nom réel
A propos de ma bibliothèque
It's a pretty normal library, many of the books being the objects of college course book lists.

A few of the books are in French, which is my second language. I'm looking for more good, though not super difficult, French-language books (preferably not translations).

Three of the books are quite old, which was their primary attractive quality for me. I got them for free from my university's library give-away day. They simply had cool, antique covers. Though, I must say, the etiquette book is hilarious to read.

Clearly, the largest tags in my library are fantasy and literature. I think the fantasy genre has gotten the shaft when it comes to the concept of literature. The "literature" tag means the work is considered a classic, or is thought to be of such high literary quality as to contribute to or significantly define our culture.

The several children's books remain in my possession because 1) I loved them as a child and nostalgia is strong in this one, 2) they were the few I managed to save the year my mom cleaned out her library years ago, and 3) I'm a firm believer in the power and importance of reading in the life of a child.

For a person who loves literature and reading as much as I do, my library is not nearly big enough, mostly due to lack of funds and severe stinginess. I'm so picky about what I spend my time reading, because bad writing offends my sensibilities so much that I get pretty angry about the lost time and money. Also, I get a lot of my reading done courtesy of the public library. Thus, the addition of new books to my own library happens rather infrequently.
A propos de moi
English and French double-major; typical word nerd and grammar freak; amateur lover of etymology and linguistics. I love to read more than write, and my favorite collegiate hobby was to put off starting a paper in order to "finish" reading source material, an activity that I could extend indefinitely if allowed.
Lieu (géographique)
Georgia, USA
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