
fiction (51), humor (45), fantasy (44), sci fi (29), literature (23), speculative fiction (21), epic (16), sociology (15), historical fiction (14), social commentary (13), children's (11), graphic novel (11), short stories (10), america (10), thriller (9), sci-fi (6), satire (6), environmentalism (5), disturbed (5), horror fiction (5), mystery (4), spiritual fiction (4), horror (4), witchcraft (4), religion (4), history (4), essays (4), young adult (4), political commentary (4), social psychology (3), obsession (3), tragedies (3), canada (3), ancient (3), underground (3), alternative universe; folklore (3), drama (3), play (3), political philosophy (3), tragedy (3), magical realism (3), academia (3), politics (3), vampires (3), social philosophy (2), judaism (2), sappy (2), bukowski (2), fishing (2), autobiography (2), wicca (2), epic literature (2), absurd (2), absurdity (2), amateur philopsophy (2), ancient philosophy (2), russian literature (2), technology (2), travel (2), corruption (2), business humor (2), psychology (2), philosophy (2), social criticism (2), wild west (2), mental illness (2), baseball (2), self-indulgent (2), gonzo journalism (2), theory (2), descent (2), underground literature (1), arthurian (1), mcicro-sociology (1), sabremetrics (1), troubled youth (1), human cruelty (1), right-wing social science (1), slack (1), poor research (1), empirical philosophy (1), red sox (1), anarcho-syndicalism (1), drunk (1), inaccurate (1), Nazis (1), interpretive philosophy (1), theoretical discussion (1), insider's view (1), existentialism (1), alternative universe; fiction (1), male confessional (1), Judaism (1), wall street (1), rastafari (1), alternative religion (1), montana (1), neo-bibical (1), social research methodology (1), World War II (1), historical parody (1), labor economics (1), sixties (1), nixon (1), autobiographical fiction (1), arsenal (1), mental hospital (1), narcissim (1), grammar (1), Horror (1), bond trading (1), murder (1), soccer (1), business (1), mysogyny (1), apocalypse (1), twenties (1), plays (1), mississippi (1), race relations (1), race (1), economics (1), style (1), Americana (1), misery (1), working class (1), political theory (1), dystopia (1), anthropology (1), WWII (1), writing (1), travelogue (1), lies (1), conspiracy (1), textbook (1), diary (1), depression (1), non-fiction (1), adolescent (1), classic (1), german (1), coming of age (1), children's literature (1), excess (1), poetry (1), filth (1), american literature (1), humor sci-fi (1), private school (1), radical (1), seventies (1), liberalism (1), left-wing (1), philosophy of science (1), self development (1), misanthropy (1), dense (1), motorcycles (1), internet (1), confessional (1), zen (1), genius (1), metaphysics (1), africa (1), terror (1), silly (1), cyberpunk (1), beauty (1), world war II (1), philosphy (1), surreal (1), india (1), Shakespeare (1), drugs (1), cruelty (1), minutiae (1)
Nuage des mots-clés, Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
Inscrit depuis
May 31, 2007
Nom réel
Jason Simon
A propos de ma bibliothèque
I like everything from classic lit to GOOD sci-fi (most is not), to social and philosphical theory. I tend to prefer fiction these days, and if I find an author I like, I will often read everything by that person.

My favorite books: Master and Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov, Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy, Catch-22 - Joseph Heller, Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole, Steppenwolf - Herman Hesse, as well as anything by Neil Gaiman. Ah, look at the list, you'll get the picture...
A propos de moi
A person of many interests and varied experience, from Sociology, to Web Design, to Writing, to Database Analyst currently studying for Masters in Library and Information Science.

I am a piano-player/songwriter with interests in just about any type of music.
Lieu (géographique)
Easthampton, MA
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