Nom réel
A propos de ma bibliothèque
My main interest right now lies in the arena of politics and current events. My favorite author is Howard Zinn and as you can see I have quite a few of his books listed - and if it's been published I've read it. I'm also a proud subscriber to The Progressive magazine because of his columns that appear there.

As far as fiction goes I'm pretty much interested in books that are character driven - people that are just living their lives and running into those everyday issues that we all do; not really into mysteries or crime fiction. But then again, I'm usually up for anything if it comes highly recommended.

You'll also notice quite a few books about writing. I am a writer of short stories and, hopefully, a novel in the not so distant future. My main focus is to tell the stories of women - There just aren't enough of us out there on the bookstore shelves.

So I hope you enjoy perusing my library. I would love to get feedback or any recommendations you may have. Keep reading!
A propos de moi
I stumbled upon this website through someone else's blog and they're right . . . It's addictive! I need some serious "me" time in order to add all the books I want to add! I've started with my favorite author, Howard Zinn. If you haven't read anything by him - start today! Especially with the violence and corruption currently going on in our world - he'll shed some light on history and how we got to this awful place in time. He'll change the way you see everything.

I'm looking forward to meeting some of you and getting lots of recommendations, joining the groups, book discussions ... My addiction is young, but ravenous!
Lieu (géographique)
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