
Nom réel
Melissa Rockefeller
A propos de ma bibliothèque
my present personal library is over 560 and nearing 570 on the tally sheet. i am going to try and get them listed here in 50 book increments & eventually upgrade my account. i love all stories but i am not a reader of horror or some sci-fi at present. i can do romance but not too over the top sappy. Gram read Harlequin's when i was a teen & i read so many of hers i could see the plot coming. My favorite romances are the ones buried in suspense or back story. I have many old books as well; aged books older than 75 years old i mean. My favorite older author is probably Gene Stratton Porter. My current passion is cozy mysteries. they are just an innocent past time to lose ones self in.
A propos de moi
Bookworm from childhood. I have stories from my mom about me telling my dad what i did in kindergarten and what i read today when he came home from work. the trouble is it was all pretend. I was 4 the year before i started school! i read to my kids and fostered in them a love of stories of all kinds. there are no "bad" books.
Lieu (géographique)
United States
Favoris locaux

Librairies: Barnes & Noble Booksellers - Suburban Plaza, Bookland #640, McKay Used Books and CDs, White Pine Used Books

Bibliothèques: White Pine Public Library