
Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
Inscrit depuis
May 11, 2007
Nom réel
C. Osenga
A propos de ma bibliothèque
A lot of historical fiction, books on Christianity, have started a collection of different Bible versions.

As you can tell, my favorite author is Bernard Cornwell - he brings to life the battlefield, brings understanding to war strategies and makes his characters a part of your life.
A propos de moi
I read, therefore I am :) Mostly historical fiction, anything to do with British history (medieval preferred), a member of Arthurnet, anything Arthurian. I also greatly enjoy participating in Bible studies.

My hobbies include reading, cooking, moderating on a Christian website, more reading, and spending time with my family (not necessarily in that order!) I admit it, I also enjoy playing World of Warcraft :)
Lieu (géographique)
Springfield MO
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