A propos de ma bibliothèque
This is my actual library. I own all the materials and then some. I have a feeling that there are some sneeky books wandering around that have been escaping my plan to catalog my collection. Right now I am just collecting books that I come across and are free, but I am hoping to come across some really solid books to read and add to my collection. I need more classics.
A propos de moi
Obviously I love books. That is why I am here. I graduated from University of Nebraska-Omaha with a degree in Library Science at Univ. of Nebraska at Omaha, and then I plan on getting my Master's in Library Science, hopefully at Univ. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill or San Jose State University. Then I would love to be a Reference Librarian or do research for the government or for private organizations.
Lieu (géographique)
Kansas City, MO
Favoris locaux

Librairies: Half Price Books - Westport, Rainy Day Books- Fairway

Bibliothèques: North Kansas City Public Library

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