
book club (20), corrupt police (3), k-9 cop in Colorado (2), A story back before Hannah opened the Cookie Jar (1), Four short murder stories (1), she falls in love with the dogs and the vet (1), she births puppies while watching her cousin's boarding kennel (1), City girl's apartment blows up and she goes to stay with her cousin in the country (1), didn't mention anything current (1), a girl came to live with the aunt she didn't know she had (1), she was a realtor and her aunt was an author (1), an author when she was younger and the murder weapon was a golf club (1), Alistair and his mother did it (1), too many dogs die (1), a Senator's plane crashes and everyone is trying to find the black box (1), Bo another PI comes back to work with Cork (1), mostly about Stephen and his vision (1), Went to Mexico to rescue Cady (1), all about old murders (1), a murderer of an adultress and a conviction of her boyfriend (1), female spy turned traitor (1), Kearny is framed for a 45 year old murder (1), finds love but I didn't like her (1), Rich snobby hedge fund advisor from New York goes home for Christmas (1), it was the actress & medical examiner (1), murders staged like the Black Dahlia murder (1), LA cop (1), an ex-DEA agent who stole drug money is involved (1), her twin was taken from their bedroom when they were kids (1), an accidental murder by a young boy (1), nuclear bomb in the Grand Canyon (1), FBI in AZ (1), they did it to make money (1), 2 men forced men to wear bomb jackets to save their families (1), the plot was to fire missles at cities and bring the stock market down so the planners can make millions (1), The driver of a trailer of rescue dogs is killed (1), a family planned murder (1), Alex saves the President but suffers major head trama (1), Bomb in the park across from the White House (1), Mexican drug cartel behind it (1), mob informates in Witness Protection were involved (1), the art forger from Nick's journal wasn't dead & he was the master mind (1), The sandwich lady and her cat (1), it was her friend who tried to commit suicide (1), a law student was brutally murdered and raped (1), her sister was injured in a car accident prank gone wrong (1), It was the new girl in town looking for a job (1), the boat captain did it (1), Second book about sister Pepper (1), cat of a missing PI found her (1), Ex-reporter now sandwich shop owner (1), the FC manager was the leader (1), the guy in the wheelchair and the Sunday School teacher were in on it (1), Both cops were dirty (1), She escapes from an insane asylum where she was kidnapped and used to test a new drug (1), the art gallery was also smuggling jewels (1), she witnessed a murder by a general (1), her dad dies (1), thing under New Orleans (1), second in charge to Vegas and New Jersey mob bosses take out their bosses and plan bombings to sell organs on the black market (1), Cop who lost his memory (1), The guy killed his daughter and enjoyed hunting humans (1), one gets away (1), They all join together and take down the corrupt leaders of the library (1), killed with holy water (1), Chad's memoirs (1), It was the lady that lost her job to the younger girl that killed her (1), includes Big Foot (1), Dresden short stories (1), he was pardoned and recommended for the medal of Honor (1), he met Abby (1), a drug ring through the prison (1), The small town of Divide (1), it was about a killing and theft at the museum (1), The son did it to cover up his painting forgeries (1), the real painter did it and she got away (1), Show poodles lady (1), Horse whisperer (1), makes friends with a vet (1), found a dead teenager (1), trying to find her mother (1), psychic that can read animals minds (1), boys are kidnapped (one is killed) and one comes back (1), CIA and smart rich guy (1), she killed the missing lawyer (1), tries to kill the vet (1), the adopted girl was her daughter (1), The nun faked her death (1), the gay mortician girlfriend did it (1), Will Robie showed up (1), Fracking in N Dakota (1), formerly worked for the mob (1), the horse rancher is doping race horses and kills a massage therapist (1), search dog found in a house almost burnt (1), Black pi (1), Very weird (1), she killed her sister and her friend (1), About the covid pandemic (1), it's about the biilders (1), the owner dies (1), House built on a mountain (1), not sure of the point (1), it was someone after the Iron Druid setting the monsters on them (1), the dog handler works with a cop (1), traveled with the Iron Druid to Australia (1), corrupt Chicago police (1), cadaver dog with special powers (1), it was the kid at the feed store (1), the vet's daughter is kidnapped (1), looking for a Fabrege egg (1), the dog kind of has special abilities (1), former boxer (1), Cadaver dog trainer that also works at an all girls school (1), selling counterfeit art (1), the President's father was behind everything (1), the principal did I because he imbezzled money from the school (1), About a gang takeover (1), female spies in WW1 and how they connect to the more modern story line (1), Jean-Guy takes a job in Paris (1), a brother killed his brother (1), They get the rest of the drugs (1), he saves the life of the First Lady (1), the main character came back because a family was killed (1), Secret Service agent Bo Thorsen (1), the bad guy is the cult leader that burned down the barn with the kids in it (1), a hyptonist helps catch the bad guy (1), Last of a trilogy (1), Charley and Reyes merge together to protect Beep (1), slot of friends pass over (1), The last one (1), the high school girl was killed by her father (1), Roast gets murdered by Tom (1), Jesn-Claude moved to Paris (1), his wife was the descendent of the Union officer (1), there was flooding (1), Her dad killed her (1), it was the dandy's wife that killed everyone (1), Ex con in small town (1), the youngest son is the killer (1), A crisis lawyer is the main character (1), The contractor that wanted to run for office and his wife did it (1), Hannah thinks she is pregnant (1), the gossip writer was a assin (1), The chauffeur was the master spy (1), her mentor was behind everything (1), Half-fae detective girl (1), Cliff's wife killed everyone so she could get the original song and keep the royalties (1), In Key West (1), the police superintendent was involved (1), the sisters work at an animal shelter (1), The bookstore owner and the partner did it (1), ok (1), The actress that she overshadowed killed her (1), ends up making a deal with Wormwood for the next book (1), Travels with a bad group thru hell (1), the world's gold was being stolen and stored at Area 51 (1), lawyer from Tx (1), Rich genius (1), Hannah's husband disappeared (1), plot to blow up the FBI building (1), it was one of the kids she was mentoring (1), murder-suicide in front of the FBI (1), Memory man (1), retired sherriff (1), rocket launcher in woods (1), Teen masacre (1), old war mission gone wrong (1), burying women alive (1), tunnels in London (1), Dolphins in Florida (1), jealous ex-boyfriend tried to kill mediator to get her & son back (1), They go to Arizona to help Rainey's son (1), Asag threatened to steal his child (1), his wife had the baby (1), Travel to the nightmare land to rescue the Hunters lost in Las Vegas (1), the original investigator was the leader (1), In the Boston area (1), Bomb at high school (1), people living underground (1), the financial mgr did it (1), pursued by a rspist from her past (1), a recovering alcoholic (1), Cal's sister Sierra (1), his werewolf & vampire friends die (1), killing Thor (1), the artist did it (1), Emma kidnapped (1), Bernie ends up in hospital (1), it was the deputy and the female winery owner (1), Cactus (1), Drug trafficking (1), very violent (1), Book club (1), Political thriller (1), Zombies (1), Salem witch trials (1), Skin walkers (1), racial slurs (1), Boston (1), spy ring (1), Iggy (1), Human trafficking (1), diamonds (1), models (1), zombies (1), accused of murder (1), Satanic cult (1), Dog stolen from his shelter (1), Slum lords (1), death because of printing press (1), Kids in library (1), the main cop did it (1), He goes to hell and takes over for Lucifer (1), Anna and the threat of the ghost army (1), women are creeps (1), Murder of motivational speaker (1), Child trafficking (1), Birth of Beep (1), Writer thinks shes fat & a pi (1), child killed (1), kids visit grandparents (1), Wine theft (1), Russian spy ring (1), house sitter (1), he helps people cross the Mexican border (1), Weaved between slaves and now (1), Louisiana policeman (1), Annabelle shows up (1), . Roaring Fork fires and Mercury poisoning (1), Corrie was a real jerk (1), Corrie hooked up with her father and got loose from the bad guys (1), Constance was released (1), he found his sons (1), Natzi island in Brazil (1), The book repairer did it (1), The ex-fiance's brother did it (1), Helps the witches (1), moved to the desert (1), broke from the vampire (1), they faked their deaths (1), the priest wasn't real and he was the thief (1), Romance on a cross country train trip (1), A rebuffed author starts killing people in another author's mystery series (1), it ended with Mike telling her that Ross went back to his wife (1), Quinton Zane cult survivors (1), she is stupid (1), it turns out people were robbing old graves and selling pots (1), Guide at disturbed teens outing was lost (1), Constance leaves to live with her son (1), they let Diogenes live (1), Proctor gets mis-directed to Africa (1), Diogenes takes Constance to an island (1), Genius girl teen that is turned into an elf (1), they were never legally married (1), one of the cops was King and the fake Irish immigrant was the Queen (1), the Irish pub (1), Pendergast disappeared and someone broke into the Riverside house (1), town tortured a sea captain for rubies (1), Margo & Constance save him (1), he is poisoned and almost dies (1), His bad son is killed (1), artist paints scenes from the night of the fire (1), 1st Eve Duncan book (1), the investment advisor and the lawyer did it (1), Edgar Allen Poe ghost (1), the murder victim's brother killed her and went on the train as a woman (1), The sheriff train (1), her friend that started the investment club was helping the killer (1), the rapist was the son of a rich family (1), Retirement home employee and PI looking for her missing sister (1), the restaurant owner's daughter and bar tender did it (1), The Knight lady's male assistant did it (1), the chef was the drug Lord (1), the daughter's boyfriend did it because the mom was going to tell the daughter (1), Vera is the dective (1), her cop fiance's ex-wife did it (1), Former cheerleader owns a gym (1), her ex-husband's wife tried to kill her (1), She was a high school cheerleader now owns a gym (1), they were smuggling animal parts and feathers (1), Cady was kidnapped (1), Gamache was suspended (1), his wife was the puppet master (1), killed her husband's son & arranged for an imposter to get the land when she went to prison (1), The skull was the President (1), they saved the Blue Man (1), a drug operation out of old missile silo (1), The daughter planned it all (1), but got lost when she brought Amber back from the dead (1), The sister poisoned her brother. Charley got Reyes back (1), her lawyer set her up (1), lady cop in a coma (1), The realtor killed her husband hoping she would sell the land (1), it was Henrietta's fake cousin that killed his parents (1), Oliver York story (1), a massacre at a presidential event (1), the president was kidnapped (1), the racing head guy for the track was the leader (1), Dr with anorexia (1), A giant mosquito came thru a time machine (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Jan 16, 2014
Lieu (géographique)