
fiction (31), conversation (6), banned book (5), friendship (5), colorful illustrations (4), humor (4), non fiction (3), persuasive (3), perspective (3), environmental awareness (3), animals instead of humans (3), Fiction (3), simple sentences (3), index (2), Conversation (2), being yourself (2), caring (2), cause and effect (2), graphica (2), rhymes (2), easy read (2), font play (2), Non-Fiction (2), narrative story boxes (2), metaphors (2), math (2), dreaming (2), helping others (2), speech bubbles (2), family (2), chapter book (2), nonfiction (2), persausive (2), wordless (2), italicized words (2), fear (2), onomotopeia (2), fantasy (2), paper art (2), conversation bubbles (2), bird who didn't eat an inchworm (1), peek-a-boo flaps teaches opposites (1), and name calling (1), a crocodile who could stand (1), teaches that things are not limitless (1), lesson on dreams and hopes (1), rabbits who almost ate a serpent (1), predicting stories (1), tadpole grew legs and turned into frog (1), sequential chunks of words and pictures (1), illustrations in black and white and color (1), explain how everyone is unique and perfect the way they are (1), went away so he wouldn't be eaten (1), teaches life lessons- things don't always go as planned (1), sequential imagery (1), more difficult word choices (1), different routes of life (1), color mixing of blue and yellow (1), that you can succeed (1), a fish and tadpole become friends (1), teaches the importance of love (1), breaking down walls (1), silly word play (1), shows sign language letters relative to animals (1), explains grandparents/grandchildren to children/adults (1), supports positive choices (1), illustrates emotions (1), character diversity (1), teaches body boundaries (1), recognizeable words (1), shows sign language letters of the alphabet (1), sentences are short and easy to read (1), life lessons-kindness (1), silly illustrations (1), intsructional (1), horizontal format (1), Give and Take (1), illustrations are realistic (1), sign language words (colors (1), Tales about cooperation (1), beauty of individuality (1), writing themes and lesson/activity ideas included (1), Discussion questions about reading (1), PreK-6 Reading Levels (1), a story of how the day turns to night (1), realistic looking illustrations (1), repitition of phrases (1), very busy and black and white illustrations (1), child-relative words) (1), a boy who gives a mouse a cookie and then wants more and more (1), intricate illustrations (1), displays conversation often (1), illustrations match sentences very precisely (1), peek-a-boo flaps (1), diversity in characters (1), walks away when upset or being teased (1), wanted to be cuddled and loved (1), a mouse who didn't do his share (1), action theme (1), Onomatepia (1), Great book for transitioning grades (1), "Twas the night before Christmas" pattern (1), Real pictures from movie (1), many ways to read (1), introduction to many unique verbs (1), gives adjectives for bats narrative vs. fact after fact (1), beauty versus strength (1), how to bake a pie (1), solving a puzzle (1), flowers by color (1), names of flowers (1), flippable pages (1), "how to draw" in back of book (1), mr. and mrs. comfort disagreeing (1), Soft touch (1), humor punctuation emphasized (1), real objects to illustrate (1), turning green (1), real life scenario losing tooth (1), real life lesson on responsibility (1), boy working on poetry (1), punctuation emphasized (1), response and answer (1), monkeys instead of humans (1), ?ing (1), environtal awareness (1), junk food is not great for you all the time (1), making sense of matter (1), father left (1), main idea focus (1), Two page Imagery (1), where earth is during daylight savings (1), dream bubbles (1), smaller is sometimes better (1), nibbled away to see a mouse with a flute as a tail (1), found cheese (1), asked lizard to change him but ended up changing someone else with his wish (1), different ending (1), mouse who meets a wind-up mouse (1), saw the world (1), wanted a big house (1), seeks his owner (1), chased by big fish (1), he was the eye (1), they joined to form big fish school (1), met new fish (1), explores sea alone (1), only black fish (1), cheese statue (1), pictures illustrate words precisely (1), describes each season (1), explains Luke Skywalker's life and family (1), earth/sun rotation (1), inner structure of your hands (1), all the things your hands can do/feel (1), summaries one page each (1), defined terms in pictures (1), dealing with emotion (1), illustrations are real photographs (1), definitions of terms and people (1), various colors of text (1), seasons come and go (1), how life works (1), friends come and go (1), connections to friends in own life (1), describes characters after introducing them (1), health awareness (1), bird names (1), artistic illustrations (1), definitions (1), safety (1), conservation (1), diversity (1), personal story (1), deforestation (1), self-esteem (1), gas (1), leaves (1), judgement (1), practicality (1), seasons (1), short stories (1), foster child (1), repetition (1), beautiful illustrations (1), memoir (1), rhyming words (1), categorization (1), visual representation (1), peacemaking (1), bones (1), descriptions (1), bike (1), opinions (1), moods (1), easy to read (1), cookies (1), getting lost (1), dates (1), informational (1), matter (1), animal sounds (1), poetic (1), friends (1), prose (1), non-fiction (1), fiction/fantasy (1), bullying (1), history (1), dark (1), narrative (1), ficton (1), graphic novel (1), journey (1), people (1), suicide (1), awareness (1), explanation (1), acceptance (1), selfishness (1), fable (1), poetry (1), unique (1), Russian history (1), emotions (1), television (1), trickery (1), birds (1), second chances (1), coping (1), names (1), reason (1), recycling (1), fingerprints (1), bike helmet (1), speaking kindly (1), Gardening (1), Animals (1), Informational (1), deep thinking (1), Instructions (1), bottles (1), Point of View (1), Beautiful illustrations (1), poetry style (1), word repitition (1), disagreement (1), all seasons (1), caterpillar to butterfly (1), becoming friends (1), Friendship (1), doing math (1), fun illustrations (1), equinoxes (1), building bridges (1), bright illustration (1), fun rhymes (1), emotional connections (1), teaches about animals (1), animal recognition (1), table arrangements (1), racial stereotype (1), learning from your mistakes (1), orange square (1), black and white text (1), Culture (1), liquid (1), laziness (1), preppy (1), clique (1), measuring (1), questioning (1), being alone (1), apologies (1), gender reversal (1), play on words (1), friends and family (1), muscles (1), gorgeous illustrations (1), solid (1), area (1), animal illustrations (1), nerves (1), true beauty (1), making new friends (1), sea otters (1), blood vessels (1), scary tales (1), table of contents (1), reader's theatre (1), memory loss (1), giving (1), sarcasm (1), chapters (1), rhyming (1), change (1), repitition (1), energy conservation (1), problem/solution (1), keep care of earth (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Jan 26, 2012
Nom réel
Megan Bahrt
Lieu (géographique)
Sitka, Alaska

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