
evil (11), death (5), magic (3), problems (3), plays (3), Sunny (3), children (3), Olaf (3), middle school (3), Klaus (3), money (3), humor (3), Violet (3), orphans (3), cusses (3), wizards (3), dwarves (2), Voldemort (2), change (2), mice (2), the Guard (2), strange (2), Harry Potter (2), muggles (2), swords (2), wands (2), adventure (2), dogs (2), friendship (2), art (1), CIA (1), princesses (1), boy scouts (1), classes (1), dragons (1), family (1), friends (1), sandstorms (1), murder (1), cursive (1), disabilty (1), cartoons (1), spaniards (1), motel (1), Navaho (1), beetles (1), devastation (1), sword fights (1), Sistine (1), schools (1), mystery (1), elves (1), messanger (1), cardboard jungle (1), RACHE (1), school (1), mean dog owner (1), city of numbers (1), city of words (1), Robotica (1), kid version (1), hobbit hole (1), the Void (1), pasta (1), voodoo doll (1), the living dead (1), DRAGON (1), Rob (1), watchdog (1), bait (1), art thief (1), Trail of Tears (1), Amulets (1), foster home (1), detective (1), vampires (1), piano (1), battles (1), creatures (1), alien (1), planes (1), flying (1), dreams (1), betrayal (1), pets (1), time travel (1), fire (1), wolf (1), Indian (1), slavery (1), funny (1), bravery (1), lost (1), survival (1), cars (1), hobbits (1), Middle Earth (1), bullies (1), differences (1), knights (1), exciting (1), soup (1), helicopters (1), humbug (1), stubborn (1), stealing (1), vegetables (1), agents (1), war (1), Excalibur (1), suitcase (1), kingdoms (1), boredom (1), wacky (1), motorcycles (1), mission (1), spies (1), demons (1), rabbits (1), voodoo (1), hacking (1), the mess (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Sep 5, 2012
Nom réel
Trey James Meader
A propos de ma bibliothèque
These are the books I have read over the summer. Some I am reading in class, and some I have finished.
A propos de moi
I live on a private hill in Briant Pond, ME. I like to build with LEGO bricks and enjoy reading in my favorite spot in the woods. When I grow up I want to create LEGO sets.
Lieu (géographique)
I03 West Summit Road, Briant Pond, ME
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