
Bette_Davis (13), Lit (10), multifilm (8), Kathrine Hepburn (7), film_noir (6), Drama (5), hitchcock (5), screwball comedy (5), Fox Film Noir (4), Film Noir (4), Cukor (4), Oscar Winner (4), RTRC (3), Rosalind_Russell (3), Cary_Grant (3), musical (3), TCM_set (3), Joan_Crawford (3), orson_welles (3), Carole Lombard (2), Sturges (2), Barbara Stanwyck (2), Comedy (2), Hitchcock (2), Clifton_Webb (2), suspense (2), Gene_Tierney (2), Gregory_Peck (2), UNT Media Library (2), rita_hayworth (2), HepburnTracy (2), Meeting 2 (1), Charles_Boyer (1), Jean_Arthur (1), Dali_scene (1), Ingrid_Bergman (1), Steinbeck cameo (1), October 2016 screening (1), November 2016 Screening (1), Meeting 3 (1), strange love of martha ivers (1), Paired with Discovering Rita Hayworth (Screened) (1), Films about the movies (1), Fox Film Noir 18 (1), Dana_Andrews (1), Play_Based (1), FoxFilmNoir21 (1), FoxFilmNoir3 (1), Best Picture Oscar Winners (1), Astaire_Rogers (1), spencer Tracy (1), Universal Legacy Series (1), Clark_Gable (1), Joe McCrea (1), John_Garfield (1), joan_fontaine (1), Philadelphia Story (1), The Star) (1), BW and Color (1), September 2016 Featured Film (1), And Heaven Too / The Great Lie / In This Our Life / Watch on the Rhine / Deception) (1), (The Old Maid / All This (1), Ronald_Coleman (1), Films about the theater (1), Mr. Skeffington (1), Lucille_Ball (1), Universal (1), Wyler (1), Jean Harlow (1), Gigi (1), Adam's Rib (1), His Girl Friday (1), The Letter (1), film history (1), Casablanca (1), Of Human Bondage (1), vignettes (1), 1941 (1), Classes (1), 1939 (1), 1945 (1), disability studies (1), mental illness (1), political satire (1), Color (1), Mrs. Miniver (1), Voyager (1), Films about Librarians (1), Veronica Lake (1), Audrey_Hepburn (1), Claudette_Colbert (1), Gary Grant (1), Woman of the Year (1), Turner Classic Movies (1), The Awful Truth (1), An American in Paris (1), William Powell (1), Edward G. Robinson (1), holiday (1), 2-disc (1), Now (1), Warner Bros (1), The South (1), Aging (1), Dark Victory (1), Bringing Up Baby (1), Born Yesterday (1), color (1), Meeting 1 (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Jun 27, 2009
A propos de moi
Librarian since 2007
Lieu (géographique)
Denton, TX
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Librairies: Recycled Books, Records, CDs

Bibliothèques: Denton Public Library - Emily Fowler Library, University of North Texas, Willis Library

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