
tbr (15), love (5), read (2), adultery (2), montana (2), siblings (2), families (2), adoption (2), family (2), food editor (1), oslo (1), one room school house (1), the young (1), liers (1), armenian holocaust (1), victorian England (1), belief in God (1), hit and run (1), reahab (1), abusive stepfather (1), unfaithful husband (1), human frailty (1), world trade center new york priests prostitutes relationships (1), Russia (1), death (1), author (1), homelessness (1), creepy (1), women's rights (1), ireland heart clinic family relationships romance (1), haiti new orleans slavery (1), women's lives crazy mother understanding forgiveness lessons learned (1), montana love unforgotten (1), Tea culture in China (1), Jefferson's life told by his white daughter (1), how important mother's are (1), brother with Autism (1), hit and run adopted sons mom and daughter (1), big hearted bad boy dad (1), whitethorn woods (1), alchoholic cop (1), motherless boys (1), two love stories (1), motherless boy (1), orphan train midwest new york city secrets (1), the south african american struggles maids friendship racism (1), book cult google codes (1), child sees her mother kill someone (1), little girl accused of killing her twin (1), english factory town margaret mr. thornton (1), australian migration jewish (1), the sparrow women mother daughter (1), bicycle courier (1), viet nam vet (1), england old codger stately gentleman father son widower marriage of cultures love (1), historians vampires libraries research never finished (1), the holocaust (1), lesbianism (1), sheep farming (1), matrix (1), drug abuse (1), inquisition (1), incest (1), Australia (1), deceit (1), child abuse (1), delusion (1), Gatsby (1), depression era (1), rape (1), healing (1), rats (1), drug addiction (1), weird (1), academia (1), France (1), relationships (1), time travel (1), loss (1), scotland (1), growing up (1), supernatural (1), coming of age (1), friendship (1), Iran (1), food (1), interracial marriage (1), leprosy (1), mystery (1), murder (1), battered women (1), motherless children (1), magistrate (1), witch trial (1), high school romance (1), abusive relationship (1), china (1), feral children (1), offbeat (1), college student (1), twins (1), family bonds (1), death of a spouse (1), Muslims (1), private eye (1), hawaii (1), denial (1), misfits (1), WW11 (1), split personality (1), dysfunctional families (1), growing old (1), child gets lost in woods (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Jul 20, 2007
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A propos de ma bibliothèque
I own many, but not all of the books I have listed as I am an avid library user. I use this site to catalog the books that I have read, or want to read. I especially like to peruse garage and used book sales to find books that I have read and loved but do not own. I also have a large library of picture books (my passion) that are not listed.
A propos de moi
I am an E.S.L. teacher who lives in Central Pennsylvania, originally from Philadelphia. I am married and have two children in their early twenties, and a dog named Yoda. When I am not teaching, or reading I enjoy walking, yoga, gardening, hanging out with my book club friends, listening to music, and attending Penn State sporting events.
Lieu (géographique)
State College, PA