
Nom réel
A propos de ma bibliothèque
I took my first stab at cataloguing my books about three years ago, with Readerware. Pieces of that effort live at Then we moved, and had less space for the books, and the scanning project fell apart. We'll see how far I get this go-round ...

(I would estimate we have just shy of 2,000 books. Organizing them in a sensible way in a cramped NYC apartment is Not Easy.)

David & I are completist collectors on the works of Greg Egan, Michael Marshall Smith and John Wyndham. We have lots of variant editions for them and a few other authors, which is why the catalog kicks up so many duplicates. We also have duplicate copies of books where I came to the marriage with American editions and he brought U.K. ones. (David's an Aussie. Hence, the strong Australian streak in our collection.)

Particular areas of focus include baseball fiction & nonfiction, science fiction, mathematics, books on books, food writing, and a smattering of plays and theatre history books.
A propos de moi
I'm a tech journalist and freelancer on various other topics -- my professional page lives at
Lieu (géographique)
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