
Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
Inscrit depuis
Apr 7, 2014
Nom réel
Why do you wanna know, you perv?
A propos de ma bibliothèque
All fiction, mostly fantasy. I really like the more 'mainstream' virals and stuff surrounding that. I do occasionally branch out a little and read unknowns, but most of them center around greek gods and monsters.
A propos de moi
Herro my fellow bookworms. If you're looking for a serious 'About Me', I suggest you leave now. Hell, leave the Internet if you think people are above it. So, anyway, I'm one of those people that live in the world of fandoms. Hogwarts, Camp-Halfblood, Illea (I know I didn't spell it right), even Panem would be better than living in this world of muggles, mortals, and *shudder* illiterates. That's why I always have half my brain saying "The world sucks" and the other either shoved in a book or in a computer writing fan-fiction. Real characters never do it right. So..... Yeah. Now that you've read through all that crap, ask yourself 'Were you prepared for that? Did you really want to spend your precious time that could be spent browsing books reading some random person's life story?' Well, that's a glimpse into your child's brain. Yeah, you need to pay more attention.
Lieu (géographique)
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