
USAAF (259), Luftwaffe (255), Eastern Front (233), RAF (214), Wehrmacht (204), Miscellaneous (203), ETO (201), novel (199), PTO (172), US Army (167), SF (107), MTO (102), Fighters (96), British Army (76), Vietnam (74), Red Army (69), USN (65), WWI (57), USMC (53), Japanese AF (52), USAF (43), POW (38), Korea (36), Kriegsmarine (36), Germany (36), Bomber Command (34), Red AF (29), intelligence (29), CBI (23), U-Boat (23), British Navy (23), tanks (23), B-29 (21), North Africa (21), B-24 (21), SS (20), P-51 (19), 15th AF (19), P-38 (18), Tank (18), Japanese Army (17), Malta (16), tank (16), FW-190 (15), Japanese Navy (15), Royal Navy (15), P-47 (14), Spitfire (12), Mosquito (11), Regia Aeronautica (11), RFC (11), Tanks (11), Weapons (11), night fighters (11), B-17 (11), MI6 (10), Spanish Civil War (9), Brazil (9), Pacific (9), French Army (8), French AF (8), OSS (8), submarines (8), Photo Recon (7), Medical (7), Me-262 (7), F6F (7), F4U (7), Japan (6), Australia (6), France (6), German Army (6), F-86 (6), cartoons (5), RCAF (5), sniper (5), MIG-15 (5), helicopters (5), Fokker DVII (4), Great Britain (4), 9th AF (4), German AF (4), WWII (4), Hungarian AF (4), Soviet Union (4), Warsaw (4), FAA (4), guerilla (4), RAAF (4), Yugoslavia (4), Rumanian AF (3), Finnish AF (3), Jew (3), Beaufighter (3), Algerian War (3), Battle of Britain (3), Panama (3), Austria-Hungary (3), destroyers (3), Cold War (3), travel (3), Bf109 (3), Ploesti (3), Brazilian Army (3), Holland (3), US Air Service (3), Panzer (2), Mafia (2), Crete (2), Hungary (2), Polish AF (2), Poland (2), War (2), Intelligence (2), Belgium (2), SAAF (2), Bomber (2), Orwell (2), Me-163 (2), Civil War (2), Argentina (2), China (2), Air America (2), ghost (2), 8th AF (2), Greece (2), Concentration camp (2), German Air Service (2), Hurricane (2), Rumania (2), Typhoon (2), Halifax (2), Ju-87 (2), NKVD (2), Normandy (2), Bf-109 (2), B-47 (2), Torgau (2), French Air Force (2), Italian Navy (2), test pilot (2), Arnhem (2), Royal Australian Army (2), Comics (1), Coastal Command (1), Vietnamese AF (1), Aircraft crashes (1), Middle East (1), Red Navy (1), Archeology (1), Panzer Division (1), Bf-110 (1), Mercenary (1), Brazilian AF (1), captured aircraft (1), Air races (1), ULTRA (1), 5th AF (1), Spanish Civil war (1), Falschirmjager (1), Slovakia AF (1), Britsih Army (1), Middle East AF (1), P-39 (1), Ghost (1), I-16 (1), Chinese AF (1), War correspondent (1), Belgian AF (1), Hurricanes (1), Resistance (1), French Air Service (1), night fighter (1), PBY (1), Wright Field (1), Spitfires (1), uSN (1), Me262 (1), film (1), Food (1), KZ (1), Western Front (1), racing (1), war correspondent (1), D-Day (1), helicopter (1), X-15 (1), Stalingrad (1), dictionary (1), Iwo Jima (1), Bay of Pigs (1), airports (1), Goya (1), Stilwell (1), Carrier Aviation (1), Rocket (1), Tunisia (1), Aleutians (1), Austria (1), Paris (1), Portugal (1), USSR (1), Jewish (1), Boy Scouts (1), Switzerland (1), Berlin (1), Gestapo (1), Navy (1), Chile (1), Balkans (1), pirates (1), New Zealand (1), photographs (1), RCN (1), Tarawa (1), Art (1), AFV (1), Hitler (1), Portuguese (1), Sweden (1), bomber (1), Communist Party (1), Serbian war (1), Kossovo (1), Kosovo (1), B-25 (1), Escort Carrier (1), Russia (1), Africa (1), T-34 (1), History (1), CIA (1), New Guinea (1), Skorzeny (1), C-130 (1), Flying Boats (1), seaplanes (1), French Navy (1), Typhoons (1), P-40 (1), Air Sea Rescue (1), Abwehr (1), Wellington (1), Stirling Moss (1), Dunkirk (1), Lancaster (1), Che Guevara (1), French Foreign Legion (1), Leningrad (1), Boer War (1), Allied AF (1)
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Inscrit depuis
Aug 20, 2012
Nom réel
A propos de ma bibliothèque
Mostly military history although I do have a fair amount of other history, SF, true crime and other sundry items.
I have some interesting books including books in German, Russian, French, Finish, Portuguese, Spanish and Japanese.
I obtained most of these for their photographs, since I can only read Spanish, Portuguese and German(slowly). Eventually I hope to have a review for all my books. This may take a while.

I'm going to stop cataloging for a while, but should achieve maybe some 1,800 books?
A propos de moi
I'm a guy in his fifties with wayyyy too many books and rapidly running out of space.
I can read Spanish and Portuguese and can decipher German pretty well (4 years in High school)Went to high school in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Lieu (géographique)
En cours de lecture

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