
Inscrit depuis
Dec 19, 2007
Nom réel
Joseph Dunphy
A propos de ma bibliothèque
Found mostly in the campus bookstores or thrifting at Brandeis or in one of the few remaining independents in my area. Had been about to start posting reviews to LibraryThing, having been busy on other sites (Stumbleupon and Tribe), when he noticed that the homepage link on his profile was rendered inoperative, apparently in respose to this blog post - - in which some mild criticism of LibraryThing's use of nofollow tags on the personal profiles appeared, to which the owner of the site responded with a little unapproved trollage in the comment section of the blog. I have decided, instead of posting my reviews here, to boycott this service until LibraryThing decides to start treating its users with at least a little respect.
A propos de moi
Underemployed Applied Mathematician / Electrical Engineer tutoring all-knowing freshmen in Mathematics.
Lieu (géographique)
Chicago, Illinois, US
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