A propos de ma bibliothèque
Reflects my eight years of being a high school English teacher, my 33 years practicing law, the love of mystery, crime, and detective fiction my father passed on to me, and a somewhat contradictory appreciation for dark humor, postmodernism, existential cynicism, travel, history, politics, cultural studies, psychology, brain research, the nature of consciousness, mysticism, and religion.

"You never finish reading, even if you finish all your books, just as you never finish living, even though death is certain." Roberto Bolaño
A propos de moi
A lawyer turned high school English teacher turned back into a government education lawyer. A 60s radical-hippie buried within a middle-aged bureaucrat. Addicted to golf since age 7, a lover of Samoyeds, mysteries both "real" and imagined, Bob Dylan, and all things Scottish. In the words of Dr. Seuss, despite three heart attacks, two coronary bypasses, one stroke, and two hip replacements, "I'm in pretty good shape, for the shape that I'm in."
Lieu (géographique)
Austin, TX
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Librairies: Book People