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Inscrit depuis
May 7, 2006
Nom réel
Jim Allcorn
A propos de ma bibliothèque
I've been collecting books of one sort or another for as long as I've been reading. It began with comics, which I collected until I was 18, & monster magazines. Then paperbacks & hardcovers. I have many Stephen King first edition HCs which I've collected since '78. I also love vintage horror paperbacks from the '60s & '70s. I'm a reader first & a collector second, but I can't imagine ever parting with my books. The books that I list here are just a portion of my entire collection. A few of my favorite authors. One day I'll spring for a paid membership & catalog everything though.
A propos de moi
I am ( as I'm sure most here are... ) a voracious reader. Have been for just about my entire 44 years. Began with comic books & Famous Monsters of Filmland & graduated on to horror fiction at about 12. Horror fiction remains my fav genre, but these days I probably split my time equally between it & hardboiled crime fiction.
Lieu (géographique)