Nom réel
James Mikołajczyk
A propos de moi
James Mikołajczyk is an 18-year U.S. Army veteran. His overseas tours include Kosovo, Iraq, and Korea. Mikołajczyk is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. He also has a Master of Theological Studies from Southwestern College (Kan.) and a B.A. in Religion from American Military University. His hometown is Erie, Penn., and he is currently assigned to Fort Bragg, N.C.

Mikołajczyk serves in the United Methodist Church, and hopes to pursue ordination and/or an academic post as a theology or religion professor. Mikołajczyk published his Master's thesis as a book called Jesus the Jew, Christ the King (WestBow, 2016). He also writes three blogs: Christian Origins, Modern Faith, James Mikołajczyk, and Hundred Years: A Polish-American Blog.
Lieu (géographique)
Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
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