
Nom réel
A propos de ma bibliothèque
I read mostly fantasy, some sci-fi, a couple memoirs, very little contemporary, and even less of everything else. Young adult, new adult, and romance are not disparaged, but also are not found here.

A few authors I like: Robin Hobb, George R.R. Martin, R.A. Salvatore, Terry Pratchett, N.K. Jemisin, Michael Sullivan, and Brandon Sanderson

A few authors I *don't* like: Patrick Rothfuss, Joe Abercrombie, Glen Cook, Scott Lynch, and Jeff Wheeler

There are a few bookcases of paperbacks and the occasional hardback in my house, but I also have a Kindle with a fairly extensive library. I don't do audiobooks, but I 100000% respect people who do/can. The more accessible books are, the better.
A propos de moi
I'm an asexual nonbinary reader and a full-time dreamer. Someday, I'd love to be a librarian and work directly with my community to help improve people's lives. For now, I work in retirement benefits.

My blog has some longer reviews I've done (mostly ranty ones, if I'm being honest) and my twitter has general thoughts and political calls-to-action.

Cats are great and I'm not very witty.

-end bio
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