A propos de ma bibliothèque
My library is very eclectic, with a substantial collection of African American authored books, ranging from biographies to literature to histories. I also have a collection of various science fiction authors ranging from the 60s pulp science fiction to Star Trek and Star Wars. Lately, I've stumbled upon British historical fiction and have begun to collect Bernard Cornwell's works. I also went back to some of the first books I read in elementary school by E. Nesbit and have added them to my library.

We were a homeschooling family; my son is now in 7th grade, this year ('13).
A propos de moi
I love to read and cherish books. Early favorite authors: E. Nesbit, Emilie Loring, Georgette Heyer, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and others. My family owns a couple thousand books which I am catalogging on Library Thing.
Lieu (géographique)
San Diego

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